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发布时间:2018-12-08 07:51
【摘要】:中国是一个多民族的社会主义国家,为了适应社会主义和谐社会的需要,也为了维护国家统一、促进民族团结、维护社会稳定的需要,加快民族地区的发展十分重要。西藏高等教育作为我国教育事业的一个重要组成部分,在西藏的教育事业中起着领头羊的作用,对促进西藏地区经济社会的繁荣与发展具有重要意义。由于少数民族地区的特殊性,西藏自治区高等教育发展的根本保障之一就是持续增加国家财政投入、进一步完善财政支持机制。所以探讨西藏自治区高等教育发展中的财政支持问题是研究西藏高等教育发展的基本问题之一,具有突出的现实意义。 该文通过文献研究法、比较分析法、历史分析法和定量分析法对选题进行探讨和分析,剖析我国高等教育发展的内涵和外延并引入到西藏高等教育发展中去;以教育公平理论、公共财政理论等相关理论为理论基础,对比西藏高等教育发展的历史和现状,与各时期相应的高等教育财政投入相结合,梳理总结西藏高等教育发展中财政支持存在的问题与影响,其核心包括制度、体制、管理和观念等多层次的制约因素。文章在总结吸收国外发展民族高等教育财政政策有益经验的基础上,结合西藏自身的现状,针对制约因素进而提出几点解决和完善对策,包括重新审视和建立新的政府西藏高等教育公平理念、不断优化西藏高等教育财政支付制度环境、完善西藏高等教育财政投入的保障机制。
[Abstract]:China is a multi-national socialist country, in order to meet the needs of socialist harmonious society, but also to safeguard national unity, promote national unity, maintain social stability, accelerate the development of ethnic areas is very important. Higher education in Tibet, as an important part of education in China, plays a leading role in education in Tibet and plays an important role in promoting the prosperity and development of economy and society in Tibet. Because of the particularity of minority areas, one of the fundamental guarantees for the development of higher education in Tibet Autonomous region is to continuously increase the state financial input and further improve the financial support mechanism. Therefore, it is one of the basic problems to study the development of higher education in Tibet to discuss the financial support in the development of higher education in Tibet Autonomous region. This paper discusses and analyzes the subject selection through the methods of literature research, comparative analysis, historical analysis and quantitative analysis, analyzes the connotation and extension of the development of higher education in China and introduces it into the development of higher education in Tibet. Based on the theories of educational equity and public finance, this paper compares the history and present situation of higher education development in Tibet, and combines it with the corresponding financial investment in higher education in various periods. This paper summarizes the problems and influences of financial support in the development of higher education in Tibet, the core of which includes system, management and concept. On the basis of summing up the beneficial experiences of foreign countries in developing the fiscal policies of ethnic higher education, and combining with the present situation of Tibet itself, the article puts forward some countermeasures to solve and perfect the restrictive factors. This includes re-examining and establishing the new government's concept of equity in higher education in Tibet, continuously optimizing the financial payment system environment of higher education in Tibet, and perfecting the guarantee mechanism for financial investment in higher education in Tibet.


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