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发布时间:2018-12-08 17:43
[Abstract]:Based on the questionnaire survey data of college students in 6 universities in Guangzhou, this paper systematically analyzes the status and characteristics of college students' network entrepreneurship, and summarizes the key factors that affect college students' network entrepreneurship. The results show that the college students' network entrepreneurship has obvious professional background of management and management, and the effect of entrepreneurship driving employment is obvious. The main mode of entrepreneurship is "Internet", the main form of entrepreneurship is personal online store, and many part-time enterprises are engaged in online shop. The scale of the entrepreneurial team is small, the first fund mainly comes from the characteristics of self-financing. Financing, entrepreneurial preferential policies, entrepreneurial team selection, confidence in entrepreneurial projects, entrepreneurial training are the main factors that affect college students' online entrepreneurship. Finally, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions to promote college students' network entrepreneurship.
【作者单位】: 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院;


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