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发布时间:2018-12-09 11:44
[Abstract]:The cultivation of talents in colleges and universities is an important thought of the reform and development of colleges and universities, as well as the starting point and destination of the work of colleges and universities. At present, the "post-90s" college students have become the main force in colleges and universities. The times have given them new changes in their behavior characteristics, personality and psychology, ideology, value orientation, and attitude towards life. This brings both opportunities and challenges to the training of talents, so the study of "post-90s" college students' work has inevitably become a new topic in the work of educating people in colleges and universities. Modern education should not only face the future, but also absorb the essence of Chinese traditional culture. Confucius was an outstanding thinker and educator in ancient China. During his teaching practice of more than 40 years, he accumulated rich experience in cultivating talents. Although these ideas will show some anachronism with the development of society, the basic principles of these ideas will not be out of date, and many important parts of Confucius' concept of talent will still have a profound influence on the cultivation of talents today. As Confucianism moves into the world, its potential value will be constantly rediscovered and recognized. On the basis of expatiating the content of Confucius' concept of talent, this paper, by deeply studying the thought of Confucius talents, taking the essence of it, taking away its dregs, excavating the contents of which is meaningful to the cultivation of post-90s college students' talents, For the current "90's" college students have an important inspiration for talent training. The first chapter of this paper is the introduction, the second chapter expounds the content of Confucius' concept of talent, puts Confucius' concept of talent in the specific historical background, and carries on the comprehensive analysis and the understanding to the Confucius' view of talent. This paper mainly analyzes the foundation of Confucius' talent standard: filial piety, respect for virtuous people, honesty and credit, and from the behavior quality of "gentle and polite", the knowledge accomplishment of "being learned in literature", the author analyzes the foundation of Confucius' talent standard: "filial piety", "respecting the virtuous people" and "honesty and trustworthiness". This paper discusses the three aspects of the ability of "can receive greatly". Secondly, it analyzes Confucius' concept of talent training in detail, including the moral education idea of "combining morality with wisdom, taking virtue as the first". The concept of equality and education of lifelong learning. Finally, it aims at cultivating Confucius' talents by "learning and doing", "writing, doing, loyalty and faith", "teaching according to his aptitude" and "enlightening and inducing". The process of talent training is summarized. The third chapter expounds the talent training in colleges and universities and the present situation of college students after "90". This paper discusses the status and function of colleges and universities in the training of talents. In order to truly grasp the characteristics of the current "post-90s" college students and the current situation of talent training, through the form of questionnaires, we can understand the current situation of talent training. This paper concludes the problems existing in the cultivation of college students after 1990 and analyzes the reasons. The fourth chapter mainly combines the essence of Confucius' concept of talent with some problems in the cultivation of post-90s college students, and probes into the practical value and enlightenment of Confucius' view of talent. Chapter five summarizes the full text.


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