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发布时间:2018-12-11 01:36
【摘要】:自2002年,我国高等教育正式进入大众化阶段,伴随着我国高等教育大众化的进程,我国高等学校规模急速地扩张。由于我国政府财政投入的不足、高校学费的提高受家庭支付能力的限制、高校学生资助体系不完善的影响,使得我国高校经济承受力无法适应高校规模的不断扩张。如何明确我国高校经济承受力,既要求建立高校经济承受力的评估方式,也要求形成有效的评估报告,为政府决策提供建议。 美国国家公共政策和高等教育中心对美国州际间高校经济承受力进行指标考察。通过建立包括家庭支付能力、承受策略和贷款依赖程度三个一级指标,对州际高校经济承受力进行评估,并通过合理的计算,获得全美各州高校经济承受力的排名情况,形成有效的评估报告,为各州政府在制定高校政策时提供建议。深入分析美国高校经济承受力的评估指标体系,将美国各州高校经济承受力分为承受力较高、承受力依赖学生资助、承受力依赖学费水平、经济承受力较低四类,总结出美国高校经济承受力具有合理的评估方式、准确的评估指标和客观的评估机构。 我国高校经济承受力在高等教育大众化进程中面临着前所未有的挑战,如何保障高校经济承受力显得十分重要。然而,我国高校经费主要来源于政府财政拨款和学杂费的收入,在政府投入不断减少、学费提高受限的情况下,高校通过向银行贷款弥补自身经费的不足,使得高校负债较高,进一步降低了高校经济承受力。通过研究发现,我国欠缺对高校经济承受力评估的重视、缺少合理的评估体系和缺乏客观的评估机构。 借鉴美国高校经济承受力的评估方式,有助于较快、较好地建立起我国高校经济承受力的评估体系。借鉴美国高校经济承受力的评估机构的设立,有助于加强我国高校经济承受力评估的客观性。借鉴美国高校经济承受力评估结果的呈现方式,有助于形成符合我国情况的长期有效的评估报告。
[Abstract]:Since 2002, higher education in our country has entered the stage of popularization. With the process of popularization of higher education in China, the scale of higher education in our country has expanded rapidly. Due to the lack of financial input from the government, the increase of tuition fees in colleges and universities is limited by the ability of families to pay, and the financial aid system of college students is not perfect, which makes the economic endurance of colleges and universities in our country unable to adapt to the constant expansion of the scale of colleges and universities. How to define the economic endurance of colleges and universities in our country requires not only the establishment of the evaluation mode of the economic endurance of colleges and universities, but also the formation of an effective evaluation report, which can provide suggestions for the government to make decisions. The National Center for Public Policy and higher Education examines the economic resilience of interstate colleges and universities. Through the establishment of three primary indicators, including the ability of families to pay, the strategy of bearing and the degree of dependence on loans, this paper evaluates the financial endurance of interstate colleges and universities, and obtains the ranking of the financial resilience of colleges and universities in the United States through reasonable calculation. Form effective evaluation reports to advise state governments in the formulation of college policies. This paper deeply analyzes the evaluation index system of the economic endurance of American colleges and universities, and divides the economic endurance of American colleges and universities into four categories: higher tolerance, higher affordability, higher affordability depends on student financial aid, higher affordability depends on tuition level, and economic endurance is lower. It is concluded that the economic endurance of American colleges and universities has reasonable evaluation methods, accurate evaluation indexes and objective evaluation institutions. In the process of popularization of higher education, the economic endurance of colleges and universities in our country is facing unprecedented challenges, so it is very important to ensure the economic endurance of colleges and universities. However, the funds of colleges and universities in our country mainly come from the income of the government's financial allocation and tuition fees. Under the condition that the government input is decreasing and the tuition is restricted, colleges and universities make up the deficiency of their own funds by making loans to the banks, which makes the colleges and universities have higher debts. Further reduce the economic endurance of colleges and universities. Through the research, it is found that our country lacks the attention to the economic endurance assessment of colleges and universities, the lack of reasonable evaluation system and the lack of objective evaluation organization. It is helpful to establish the evaluation system of economic endurance of colleges and universities in our country by using the evaluation method of economic endurance of American colleges and universities for reference. It is helpful to strengthen the objectivity of economic endurance assessment in our country by referring to the establishment of economic endurance assessment institutions in American colleges and universities. It is helpful to form a long-term and effective evaluation report in accordance with the situation of our country by referring to the presentation of the results of economic endurance assessment of American colleges and universities.


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