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发布时间:2018-12-11 01:19
[Abstract]:With the expansion of the demand for higher education and the increasingly severe challenge of ensuring and improving the quality of higher education, how to guarantee and improve the quality of higher education has become an important subject in the field of higher education. Teachers are the basis of the survival and development of colleges and universities. In order to improve the quality of higher education, we should start with teachers and improve their teaching ability. Among them, one of the most fundamental measures to improve teachers' teaching ability is to promote the development of college teachers' teaching. As the first advanced representative to explore the development of college teachers' teaching, the United States has attracted worldwide attention and become a learning model for the development of college teachers' teaching and research in our country. The comparative study on the development of teachers' teaching in colleges and universities in China and the United States is an extension of the research on the development of teachers' teaching, as well as a deepening of the comparative research, which can also provide a reference for promoting the development of teachers' teaching in colleges and universities in China. The development of teacher teaching in American colleges and universities has experienced five stages: scholar age, teacher age, developer era, learner era and network age, showing a diversified organizational model in its four types of organization. Internal organizations play the most important and direct role. At present, most colleges and universities in the United States have central organizations and committee organizations. These organizations have the characteristics of complete personnel, high degree of organization, rich and diverse ways of development, humanization of activities, pertinence and so on. Take Princeton University as an example. The McGregor Center for Teaching and Learning, the academic Office and the Human Resources Department are responsible for the main tasks of teacher teaching development. Activities such as career plans for middle-aged teachers have achieved remarkable results. However, the development of teachers' teaching in colleges and universities in China started at the beginning of the 21st century and is still in its infancy. Since the establishment of 30 state-level teacher teaching development demonstration centers in 2012, each university teaching center has carried out comprehensive and rich activities and individualized services, and has made many achievements in the development of college teachers' teaching. Take Zhejiang University as an example. Its diversified teaching development projects and perfect evaluation and feedback system have also achieved good results. However, many colleges and universities still exist some problems, such as incorrect understanding of ideas, imperfect system and insufficient practice. Combined with the current situation of teaching development in colleges and universities in China and the successful experience of the United States, teachers' teaching development in colleges and universities in China should involve all sides, optimize the construction of institutions and carry out effective activities.


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