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发布时间:2018-12-11 00:27
【摘要】:随着新媒介的迅速发展和普及,新媒介环境给公民特别是大学生带来掌握话语权机会的同时,也带来了许多挑战。大学生受教育程度与个人能力所具备的先进性特征,也表明大学生是最具代表性的公民群体,但是面对新媒介环境下的“危”与“机”的共存,作为先进群体的大学生的诸多明显失衡表现,意味着大学生对新媒介环境并没有达到应有的适应水平,因此亟待培养和提升自身的新媒介素养,学会发挥主观能动性,自我培养科学理性的态度来参与、选择、理解和利用新媒介。 本文立足于新媒介环境所引发的变革,首先对于新媒介素养的概念和内涵进行界定,为开展后续研究界定基础。本研究的重点有两个层次:首先是大学生新媒介素养的现状调查,然后通过调查结果有针对性的提出大学生新媒介素养的自我培养路径探索。 研究主体上,本文以受新媒介影响最为深远的大学生为对象,并以上海大学生为例进行调研,采用实证研究和文本研究相结合的方法,通过对大学生新媒介的接触情况、认知情况、批判能力和利用能力进行分析,并与传统媒介进行对比,总结大学生的新媒介素养现状,以及大学生普遍表现出的弱势和不足,并据此调查结果总结有针对性的应对措施,探索自我培养路径的突破口。 在自我培养路径探索方面,本文主要根据调查结果中大学生表现出的自我能力不足,从自我意识和自我控制方向出发,通过培养科学合理的新媒介接触行为,锻炼和加强批判性思维,利用新媒介实现平等交往等有效路径,,探索大学生新媒介素养的自我培养。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development and popularization of new media, the new media environment brings citizens, especially college students, the opportunity to master the right to speak, but also brings many challenges. The advanced characteristics of college students' education level and individual ability also show that college students are the most representative group of citizens, but in the new media environment, "danger" and "machine" coexist. As an advanced group of college students, many obvious imbalance performance, which means that college students have not reached the level of adaptation to the new media environment, so it is urgent to cultivate and improve their own new media literacy, learn to play a subjective initiative. Self-cultivation of scientific and rational attitudes to participate, choose, understand and use new media. Based on the changes caused by the new media environment, this paper firstly defines the concept and connotation of new media literacy, which is the basis for further research. This study focuses on two levels: first, the current situation of college students' new media literacy investigation, then through the results of the survey pointed out the new media literacy of college students to explore the path of self-cultivation. In the main body of the study, this paper takes the college students who are most deeply influenced by the new media as the object, and takes the Shanghai university students as an example to investigate, adopt the method of combining the empirical research and the text research, through the contact situation of the university students' new media. The cognitive situation, critical ability and utilization ability are analyzed, and compared with the traditional media, the present situation of college students' new media literacy is summarized, as well as the weakness and deficiency of college students. Based on the results of the investigation, the author summarized the corresponding measures and explored the breakthrough of self-cultivation. In the aspect of exploring the path of self-cultivation, according to the lack of self-ability shown by college students in the results of investigation, this paper starts from the direction of self-consciousness and self-control, and develops scientific and reasonable new media contact behavior. To train and strengthen critical thinking, to use new media to realize equal communication, and to explore the self-cultivation of college students' new media literacy.


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1 杨竹;华山;;“微时代”大学生媒介素养研究成果述评[J];集宁师范学院学报;2016年01期

2 夏玉玲;崔莹莹;李秀荣;;电子媒介环境下大学生人文素质教育的对策[J];唐山学院学报;2014年05期

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1 张姣姣;安徽省淮北市煤矿工人媒介素养状况调查[D];安徽大学;2016年

2 张杏杏;“微时代”背景下大学生媒介素养培育研究[D];山西农业大学;2015年

3 张亚敏;合肥地区大学生网络道德水平调查研究[D];安徽大学;2015年




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