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发布时间:2018-12-12 14:23
【摘要】:经济全球化带来多元文化的冲击,给当代大学生的价值取向和生活方式等方面带来了诸多影响,进一步加深了大学生思想的内隐形成。大学生对文化认同的认识和态度,是大学生这一群体对自己所属的群体特征所持的价值观的认可和接纳,它代表着大学生群体的共同观念,这一违背意愿或符合意愿观念关系着他们如何分辨是非、对错,并指导着大学生的行为过程。从文化认同对大学生思想内隐形成的影响研究入手,从心理发生机制上探究文化认同对大学生思想形成的模塑作用,对于正确认识大学生思想形成的深层机制,丰富思想政治教育理论具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本论文首先阐述大学生思想内隐形成和文化认同的内涵及其基本特点,,阐释文化认同对大学生思想内隐形成的重要作用。其次,通过社会调查,了解大学生思想内隐形成中文化认同的现状及其存在的主要问题,分析其存在问题的原因。最后,遵循大学生思想内隐形成规律,针对大学生特点,探索大学生思想内隐形成中文化认同的教育对策,即以社会主义核心价值观引领大学生文化认同教育、针对大学生思想特点增强文化认同内化、加强环境建设固化大学生文化认同,以提高思想政治教育的实效,为新时期高校大学生思想政治教育工作提供可借鉴的思路。
[Abstract]:Economic globalization has brought about the impact of multiculturalism, has brought many influences to the value orientation and life style of contemporary college students, and further deepened the implicit formation of college students' thoughts. The cognition and attitude of college students towards cultural identity is the recognition and acceptance of the values held by this group to which they belong. It represents the common concept of the group of college students. This idea of disobedience or conformity relates to how they distinguish right from wrong, right and wrong, and guide the course of college students' behavior. Starting with the study of the influence of cultural identity on the implicit formation of college students' thoughts, this paper probes into the moulding effect of cultural identity on the formation of college students' thoughts from the perspective of psychological mechanism, so as to correctly understand the deep mechanism of the formation of college students' thoughts. Enriching the theory of ideological and political education has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper first expounds the connotation and basic characteristics of the formation of ideological implicature and cultural identity of college students, and explains the important role of cultural identity in the formation of ideological implicature of college students. Secondly, through social investigation, we understand the status quo and main problems of cultural identity in the formation of ideological implicature of college students, and analyze the causes of the problems. Finally, in accordance with the law of ideological implicit formation of college students and in view of the characteristics of college students, this paper explores the educational countermeasures of cultural identity in the formation of ideological implicature of college students, that is, leading the education of university students' cultural identity with socialist core values. In view of the ideological characteristics of college students, we should strengthen the internalization of cultural identity, strengthen the construction of environment, solidify the cultural identity of college students, improve the actual effect of ideological and political education, and provide some useful ideas for the ideological and political education of college students in the new period.


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