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发布时间:2018-12-12 21:20
【摘要】:我国独立学院实行董事会领导下的院长负责制,法人治理理论、委托代理理论及利益相关者理论是该领导体制的理论基础。该体制在实际运行过程中发挥着一定的积极作用,但也存在一些问题,如董事会制度不健全、董事会与党委关系不明确、院领导作用发挥受限、学术组织运行效果不理想、民主管理制度不完善等,这些问题是由法律规范与政府角色定位不清晰、独立学院产权的公益性与营利性矛盾、管理者的权力寻租与教职工主体地位的缺失等原因造成的。 笔者在对我国独立学院领导体制存在的问题及原因分析的基础上,就完善独立学院领导体制提出如下对策:一是完善独立学院办学的法律规范,二是加强独立学院领导体制的制度建设,三是正确处理各方关系,四是建立健全监督机制。
[Abstract]:Under the leadership of the board of directors, China's independent colleges implement the dean responsibility system. The theory of corporate governance, the theory of principal-agent and the theory of stakeholders are the theoretical basis of the leadership system. The system plays a positive role in the actual operation process, but there are also some problems, such as the imperfect board of directors system, the unclear relationship between the board of directors and the party committee, the limited role of the college leaders, and the unsatisfactory operation effect of academic organizations. These problems are caused by the lack of clear legal norms and the role of the government, the contradiction between the public welfare and profitability of the property rights of independent colleges, the power rent seeking of managers and the lack of the status of teachers and staff. Based on the analysis of the problems and causes of the leadership system of independent colleges in China, the author puts forward the following countermeasures: first, to perfect the legal norms of running independent colleges, The second is to strengthen the system construction of the independent college leadership system, the third is to correctly handle the relations between the parties, and the fourth is to establish and improve the supervision mechanism.


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