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发布时间:2018-12-14 19:37
【摘要】:2004年4月,日本国立大学法人法实施了,至今已经有九年时间了。日本政府发表的“日本国立大学法人化中期报告”,其中有法人化后的问题与完善点。对比法人化之前的国立大学的情况与法人化之后的情况,可以评价法人化是好的,,还是不好的。这项研究是从社会,经济的角度来进行研究的,因为国立大学对日本社会与经济的多方面影响很大,所以从教育社会学与教育经济学的角度来进行研究是很有必要的。比如法人化对经济有什么影响,法人化对社会有什么影响等等。产学联合也是非常重要的。特别是与民营企业的联系会成为法人化后的国立大学非常重要的活动。因为在进行新的资金运营时,国立大学与地方的联合不可或缺。有研究结果表明区域发展的同时大学也能一同发展,所以今后要探索大学与所属区域共同发展的方法。本文收集了大学和民营企业合作项目的具体数据,特别是在日本有较大影响的旧帝国大学,通过数据来分析法人化前后的变化。 另外国立大学法人化以后会产生一些有借鉴意义的经验与教训,它们会对其他国家教育改革有什么值得参考的地方吗?这是我一直在思考的问题,我觉得答案应该是肯定的。比如中国社会经济发展很快,将来会不会面临与日本类似的状况?中国大学的改革是不是会涉及到法人化的一些具体问题等等。所以我想提出意见指出从日本国立大学法人化可以学什么,对社会与经济影响是什么。我认为提出这些意见是很有意义的。
[Abstract]:In April 2004, the National University of Japan Law on legal Persons has been in force for nine years. The interim report on the legalization of the National University of Japan, published by the Japanese government, contains the problems and improvements after the legalization. Comparing the situation of national universities before and after legalization, we can evaluate whether legalization is good or bad. This research is carried out from the angle of society and economy, because the national university has great influence on Japanese society and economy, so it is necessary to study it from the angle of sociology of education and economics of education. For example, what impact does legalization have on economy, what influence does legalization have on society and so on? The combination of industry and learning is also very important. In particular, the relationship with private enterprises will become a very important activity of national universities after legalization. Because national universities and local alliances are indispensable in new capital operations. Some research results show that universities can also develop together with regional development, so we should explore the methods of co-development between universities and their regions in the future. This paper collects the specific data of the cooperative projects between universities and private enterprises, especially the old Imperial University, which has great influence in Japan, and analyzes the changes before and after legalization through the data. In addition, the legalization of national universities will produce some useful experiences and lessons. Will they be worth reference to other countries' educational reform? That's the question I've been thinking about, and I think the answer should be yes. For example, if China's social and economic development is very fast, will it face a similar situation with Japan in the future? Whether the reform of Chinese universities will involve some specific issues of legalization and so on. So I would like to comment on what can be learned from the institutionalization of the National University of Japan and what the social and economic implications are. I think it makes sense to put forward these ideas.


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9 记者 胥会云 实习记者 g




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