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发布时间:2018-12-15 12:12
【摘要】:生命是教育的起点,生命和谐发展是教育的终极目标。然而,当前我国教育却把知识技能作为教育的出发点,忽视对生命本真的关注和人文素养的培养。近年来,大学生自杀、伤人、虚度生命等事件频繁发生,反映出大学生生命意识淡薄、生命态度消极、生命价值观迷茫。大学生生命观存在问题的主要原因是由于大学生生命教育的缺失,以致大学生无法树立健康科学的生命观,使他们对自我和人生感到迷茫。因此高校必须加大生命教育的实施力度。通过生命教育,帮助大学生学会珍爱生命,培养他们乐观进取的生命态度,激励他们追寻生命意义,创造生命价值。 本文共分为五部分:第一部分为引言。论述了选题背景和研究意义,在分析梳理国内外学者对生命相关概念以及对生命教育理论研究的基础上,结合大学生的心理和社会需求,界定了本文所要研究的大学生生命教育内涵。第二部分对大学生生命教育的理论阐述。通过对我国传统生命哲学、西方生命哲学、存在主义哲学、人本主义心理学、积极心理学以及马克思主义生命价值观的分析,获得本研究的理论依据。第三部分考察了大学生生命观的现状,通过问卷调查和访谈,掌握当代大学生生命观现状,在实证研究的基础上,从社会、学校、家庭、自身四方面探究大学生生命观存在问题的原因,为进一步探讨大学生生命教育提供现实依据。第四部分根据大学生生命观现状和高校生命教育目标,对大学生生命教育内容进行了丰富与完善。第五部分提出大学生生命教育的具体实施路径,为高校生命教育实践提供参考与借鉴,使大学生学会关怀生命,创造生命价值。大学生生命教育实施是一个漫长的过程,需要社会、学校、家庭和学生对此有足够重视,和衷共济共同努力。
[Abstract]:Life is the starting point of education, and the harmonious development of life is the ultimate goal of education. However, the current education in China regards knowledge and skills as the starting point of education, neglecting the attention to the true nature of life and the cultivation of humanistic literacy. In recent years, college students have committed suicide, hurt people and wasted their lives frequently, which reflects that college students have a weak sense of life, a negative attitude to life and confused values of life. The main reason for the problems in college students' view of life is that they are unable to establish a healthy and scientific view of life because of the lack of life education of college students, which makes them feel confused about themselves and life. Therefore, colleges and universities must strengthen the implementation of life education. Through life education, we can help college students learn to cherish life, cultivate their optimistic and enterprising attitude towards life, encourage them to pursue the meaning of life and create life value. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction. This paper discusses the background and significance of the selected topic, and on the basis of analyzing and combing the domestic and foreign scholars' researches on the concepts of life and the theory of life education, combines the psychological and social needs of college students. This paper defines the connotation of college students' life education. The second part expounds the theory of life education of college students. Through the analysis of Chinese traditional life philosophy, western life philosophy, existentialist philosophy, humanistic psychology, positive psychology and Marxist life values, the theoretical basis of this study is obtained. The third part examines the current situation of college students' view of life, through questionnaires and interviews, grasp the current situation of contemporary college students' view of life, on the basis of empirical research, from the society, schools, families, This paper probes into the causes of the problems in the view of life of college students in four aspects, and provides a realistic basis for further exploring the life education of college students. The fourth part enriches and perfects the content of college students' life education according to the present situation of college students' life view and the goal of college life education. The fifth part puts forward the concrete implementation path of college students' life education, which can provide reference and reference for the practice of life education in colleges and universities, so that students can learn to care about life and create life value. The implementation of college students' life education is a long process, which needs society, school, family and students to pay enough attention to it.


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