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发布时间:2018-12-16 12:56
[Abstract]:First, fixed assets are the material basis of the development of colleges and universities, and also one of the important indicators to measure the scale of running schools. The current Accounting system of Colleges and Universities stipulates that the purchase and construction of fixed assets shall be measured at the cost of their actual acquisition or construction, and the value of fixed assets shall be increased by means of the net added value of the reconstructed and expanded fixed assets. The value of the donated fixed assets shall be measured according to the market price of the same assets or the relevant donation vouchers plus the expenses incurred at the time of donation, and the surplus fixed assets shall be measured according to the replacement cost. In the process of using fixed assets in colleges and universities, depreciation and impairment of assets are not taken into account, but the book value of fixed assets is reduced only when they are sold, scrapped and destroyed. But.
【作者单位】: 铜陵学院;


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