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发布时间:2018-12-16 14:09
【摘要】:独立学院作为中国高等教育制度创新的产物,经过12年的发展历程,现已成为我国高等教育系统的重要组成部分,与普通高等院校相比,在生存和发展中存在着很多的先天不足和后期积累的劣势,特色策略是其增强自身竞争力的关键。而特色专业是高校特色最显著的标志之一。一所独立学院如果有独具特色实力的专业,就能在激烈的竞争中焕发出勃勃生机。而目前我国独立院校特色专业建设中普遍存着很多问题,,如特色专业的设立和发展受外部因素的制约;特色专业的设立和发展受学院自身条件限制严重,导致特色专业缺失,发展的困难。 本文要解决的核心问题是独立学院到底如何建设自身的特色专业。从这一目的出发本文采用文献分析法、历史研究法,案例分析法,通过对建设中存在的问题进行深入剖析,结合特色专业建设的基本理论分析,针对问题及其原因提出地方高校特色专业建设的建议。
[Abstract]:As the product of the innovation of Chinese higher education system, the independent college has become an important part of our higher education system after 12 years of development. In survival and development there are a lot of inherent deficiencies and late accumulation of weaknesses, characteristic strategy is the key to enhance their competitiveness. And characteristic specialty is one of the most remarkable symbols of university characteristics. If an independent college has its own specialty, it will be full of vitality in the fierce competition. At present, there are many problems in the construction of characteristic specialty in independent colleges and universities in our country, such as the establishment and development of characteristic specialty is restricted by external factors; The establishment and development of characteristic specialty is seriously restricted by its own conditions, which leads to the lack and development of characteristic specialty. The core problem to be solved in this paper is how to build its own specialty. For this purpose, this paper uses the methods of literature analysis, historical research, case analysis, through the in-depth analysis of the problems existing in the construction, combined with the basic theoretical analysis of the construction of specialty with characteristics. In view of the problems and their causes, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the construction of specialty with characteristics in local colleges and universities.


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