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发布时间:2018-12-18 00:58
【摘要】:大学生是未来祖国各行各业的栋梁之材,大学时代是天之骄子们完善自我的金色年华。随着时代的发展,社会竞争的激烈,升学、就业等问题日益凸现,致使部分学生难以相应的调整,产生较大的心理压力,,诱发身体和心理疾病的产生,健康状况随之下降。瑜伽作为一项时尚运动,且具有强身健体的特殊功效而进入高校课堂,对大学生体质的发展和心理素质的完善有积极的促进作用。 本文为了研究瑜伽练习对体育大学生身心健康的影响,从大学生身体自我和心理过程二方面进行研究分析。运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实验法和数理统计法,对沈阳体育学院社会体育专业2011级瑜伽必修班的48名学生进行为期16周的瑜伽教学实验。采用心理量表和心理实验进行实验前后的测量。分析统计并得出以下结论。 瑜伽练习促进大学生身体自我和心理过程的影响:(1)瑜伽练习可以调节大学生身体自我状态,促进大学生积极参加体育活动,保持身体健康。(2)瑜伽练习可以提高大学生的认知能力。(3)瑜伽练习可以减少焦虑,放松心情,增加愉快感,可以使学生内心平静,降低抑郁感,产生积极的情绪、情感过程。(4)瑜伽练习可以很好的锻炼大学生的意志品质。从而为瑜伽课程更好的走入高校体育课堂,全面增强当代大学生身心健康提供理论依据和参考。
[Abstract]:College students are the future pillars of various industries of the motherland. With the development of the times and the fierce competition of the society, the problems of going to school and obtaining employment become more and more prominent, which makes it difficult for some students to adjust accordingly, and produces greater psychological pressure, which induces the emergence of physical and psychological diseases, and the state of health declines accordingly. Yoga, as a fashionable sport, has the special effect of strengthening one's body and health, and it has a positive effect on the development of college students' physique and the improvement of their psychological quality. In order to study the effect of yoga practice on physical and mental health of physical college students, this paper studies and analyzes the physical self and psychological process of college students. Using the methods of literature, questionnaire, experiment and mathematical statistics, 48 students of 2011 grade yoga compulsory classes of social sports major in Shenyang Institute of physical Education were tested in yoga teaching for 16 weeks. Psychological scale and psychological experiment were used to measure before and after the experiment. Analyze the statistics and draw the following conclusions. The effects of yoga practice on the physical self and psychological process of college students are as follows: (1) Yoga exercises can regulate the physical self-state of college students and promote the active participation of college students in physical activities. (2) Yoga practice can improve college students' cognitive ability. (3) Yoga practice can reduce anxiety, relax mood, increase happiness, make students calm, reduce depression, and produce positive emotion. Emotional process. (4) Yoga practice can exercise the will of college students. It provides theoretical basis and reference for Yoga course to enter university physical education class and to enhance the physical and mental health of contemporary college students.


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