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发布时间:2018-12-19 13:52
【摘要】:近年来,我国大学生考试作弊现象频频发生,屡禁不止,这不仅破坏了各级各类考试的公正性和权威性,更重要的是逐步侵蚀着大学生的道德操守和身心健康,已经严重危害到大学生日常的学习生活和未来人生道路的发展,甚至酿成了因为考试作弊被发现而导致情绪失控而跳楼身亡的惨剧。这不仅对大学生造成了危害,同时也给学校、社会带来危害,因而引起全社会的高度关注。为此需要我们思想政治教育工作者,通过研究探寻形成这一现象的深层次原因,建立预防大学生考试作弊行为发生的教育机制,以促进大学生的健康成长。 通过调研分析,当前大学生考试作弊呈现出一些新的特点,主要表现为:在大学校园中形成考试作弊行为的“认同文化”,考试作弊形式多样化、社会化,考试作弊手段高科技化、隐蔽化。大学生考试作弊行为的形成,,原因是多个方面的。既有社会、学校、教师、考试管理制度等方面的客观因素,也有大学生自身的主观原因。其中大学生自身诚信道德缺失,法制观念淡薄,心理压力过大等主观原因,是导致大学生考试作弊的主要方面。这给高校思想政治教育从教育观念、教育内容、教育方法等方面带来挑战,由此需要我们认真思考,如何充分发挥思想政治教育在应对大学生考试作弊行为方面的预防功能和引导功能,以此丰富思想政治教育的内容,创新思想政治教育的方法,提高思想政治教育管理的效率,增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。 根据对大学生考试作弊成因的分析来看,大学生考试作弊现象不仅仅反映了大学生诚信道德缺失和法纪观念淡漠等现实问题,而且也反映出现行的教育观念和教育体制以及大学生自身心理健康方面存在的问题。这就需要我们遵循完整性、人性化、导向性原则,通过加强诚信道德教育,提高大学生对考试作弊行为的正确认识;通过加强法制教育,提高大学生遵守考试规则的自觉性;通过加强心理健康教育,提高大学生应对考试失败的抗挫折能力,从而让大学生自觉远离和抵制考试作弊的不良现象。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the phenomenon of college students cheating in examinations has occurred frequently in our country, which has not only destroyed the fairness and authority of examinations at all levels, but also gradually eroded the moral integrity and physical and mental health of college students. It has seriously jeopardized the daily study life of college students and the development of the way of future life, and even led to the tragic tragedy of jumping out of buildings and dying because of the detection of cheating in exams and resulting in emotional loss of control. This not only causes harm to college students, but also to school and society. In order to promote the healthy growth of college students, it is necessary for us ideological and political educators to explore the deep-seated causes of this phenomenon, and to establish an educational mechanism to prevent college students from cheating in examinations in order to promote the healthy growth of college students. Through the investigation and analysis, the current college students' cheating in the examination presents some new characteristics, mainly as follows: forming the "identity culture" of cheating in the examination in the university campus, diversifying and socializing the form of cheating in the examination, Cheating means high-tech, covert. There are many reasons for the formation of college students'cheating in examinations. Both social, school, teachers, examination management system and other objective factors, but also the subjective reasons of college students. Among them, the subjective reasons, such as the lack of honesty and morality, the weak concept of legal system and the excessive psychological pressure, are the main factors leading to college students cheating in examinations. This brings challenges to ideological and political education in colleges and universities in terms of educational concepts, educational contents, educational methods, and so on. How to give full play to the preventive and guiding functions of ideological and political education in dealing with college students' cheating in examinations, so as to enrich the contents of ideological and political education, to innovate the methods of ideological and political education, and to improve the efficiency of the management of ideological and political education. Strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political education. According to the analysis of the causes of college students' cheating in examinations, the phenomenon of college students' cheating in examinations not only reflects the practical problems such as the lack of honesty and morality of college students and the indifference of the concept of law and discipline, etc. It also reflects the problems existing in the current educational concept and educational system as well as in the mental health of college students themselves. Therefore, we should follow the principles of integrity, humanization and guidance, enhance the moral education of honesty and credit, improve the correct understanding of cheating in examinations, and enhance the consciousness of college students to abide by the rules of examination by strengthening the education of legal system. Through strengthening the mental health education, we can improve the ability of college students to deal with the failure of the examination, so that the college students can avoid and resist the bad phenomenon of cheating in the examination.


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