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发布时间:2018-12-27 13:48
【摘要】:中国高校在快速发展,越来越多的高校明确提出“创建世界一流大学”的目标,与之对应的却是高校后勤服务的相对滞后。高校后勤社会化改革已经持续走过十年有余,虽然在实体模式、经营模式等多方面取得了一大批成果,但当前却走进了瓶颈期,关键就在于人力资源改革。 本论文正是针对上述问题,以U大学后勤集团HR改革试点项目为研究对象,应用项目管理中范围管理和时间管理相关理论,研究项目范围管理和时间管理理论、方法、工具在本项目实施过程中的应用。 首先,理论阐述了范围管理、时间管理和人力资源管理;介绍了项目实施背景等情况。 其次,重点研究项目如何进行范围规划、定义、制作WBS、控制和核实等范围管理过程。通过制定项目章程、范围说明书、范围管理计划等完成改革项目的目标、成果、进度等规划;通过细致分析项目完成改革项目的成果和里程碑具体定义;通过制作工作分解结构完成改革项目整体的工作包分解和重难点工作的二次分解;最后对比章程等文件核实了改革试点项目的成果——人力资源管理体系文件,包含岗位清单、岗位说明书、岗位编制、人员招聘、员工培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理、劳动关系管理等系列文件;在范围管理过程中启用变更申请程序控制项目变化。 再次,重点研究项目如何进行活动定义、排序、资源估算、时间估算、进度表制定、进度控制等时间管理过程。通过编制活动清单和责任矩阵表完成改革项目的活动定义和资源安排;通过绘制单代号网络图完成改革项目活动排序工作;通过编制活动时间估算列表完成改革项目各个活动的时间估算和总工期估算;通过绘制甘特图完成不同详细程度的项目进度描述;通过使用甘特图比较法展示和全程控制改革项目进展,配合进度报表向全体干系人通报项目进展。 最后,,总结项目研究成果。通过采用项目管理的科学方法,清水河校区物管中心在繁重工作的同时顺利完成了改革试点。在范围和时间管理两方面,这种工作模式具有一定的参考价值,成为高校后勤实施人力资源改革的又一个新方法。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of colleges and universities in China, more and more colleges and universities have clearly put forward the goal of "establishing world-class universities", which corresponds to the relative lag of logistics services in colleges and universities. The reform of logistics socialization in colleges and universities has been going on for more than ten years. Although a large number of achievements have been made in many aspects, such as entity mode and management mode, the reform of human resources is the key. Aiming at the above problems, this paper takes the HR reform pilot project of U University Logistics Group as the research object, applies the theory of scope management and time management in project management, and studies the theory and method of project scope management and time management. The application of tools in the implementation of this project. First of all, the paper describes scope management, time management and human resource management, and introduces the background of project implementation. Secondly, focus on scope planning, definition, WBS, control and verification. Through the formulation of the project charter, scope statement, scope management plan to complete the objectives of the reform project, results, progress and other planning; through detailed analysis of the project to complete the reform project results and milestones specific definition; The work package decomposition of the whole reform project and the quadratic decomposition of the heavy and difficult work are accomplished by making the work decomposition structure. Finally, comparing the articles of association and other documents, it verifies the results of the reform pilot project-human resources management system documents, including job list, job description, post establishment, personnel recruitment, staff training, performance management, compensation management, Labor relations management and other series of documents; Enable change application during scope management to control project changes. Thirdly, it focuses on how to define, sort, estimate resources, estimate time, make schedule, control progress and so on. Activity definition and resource arrangement for reform projects are completed by preparing activity lists and responsibility matrix tables; sequencing of reform project activities is completed by drawing up single code network diagrams; Complete the time estimation and total duration estimation of each activity of the reform project by compiling the activity time estimate list, complete the description of the project schedule with varying degrees of detail by drawing the Gantt chart; By using the Gantt chart comparison method to show and control the progress of the reform project, report the progress of the project to all stakeholders with the progress report. Finally, the research results of the project are summarized. By adopting the scientific method of project management, Qingshuihe Campus material Management Center has successfully completed the reform pilot while carrying out heavy work. In terms of scope and time management, this work model has certain reference value and has become another new method to carry out the reform of human resources in colleges and universities.


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