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发布时间:2018-12-31 09:59
[Abstract]:The construction of contemporary college students' professional ethics is facing the challenge of multi-values and multiculturalism. Various trends of thought come to colleges and universities through the information media, which makes some college students have some benefits first in the process of learning. The wrong idea of moral uselessness; Attach importance to the level of vocational skills, but ignore the improvement of their own professional ethics. From a personal point of view, this will be extremely detrimental to the future employment and development of contemporary college students. From the point of view of the country and the nation, it will hinder the construction of socialist morality, and if it cannot be guided by the correct method, Contemporary college students may lose their way and go astray. As the main successors of the socialist construction, the contemporary college students will be distributed in various industries in the future. Their professional ethics will directly affect the success or failure of the socialist cause. The author thinks that the cultivation of the professional ethics of contemporary college students must grasp the foundation of "know", promote "action" with "know", so as to achieve the integration of knowledge and practice, so as to fundamentally improve the status quo of professional ethics in contemporary universities. In this paper, the connotation of "August 1st Spirit" as a theoretical source, in view of the current status quo of college students' professional ethics and the reasons for the problems. The author believes that by giving full play to the educational function of the "August 1 Spirit", the professional ethics of contemporary college students will be sublimated, which will affect their internal quality and achieve the purpose of optimizing the level of individual professional ethics. It also promoted the construction of professional ethics in the new period.


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