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发布时间:2018-12-31 19:57
[Abstract]:The political belief of contemporary college students is an important subject in the study of ideological and political education. Strengthening the correct political belief of contemporary college students concerns the fundamental question of why, how and for whom to train people in colleges and universities. Therefore, all walks of life should solve the problem of political belief of contemporary college students, train qualified constructors and reliable successors of socialism with both morality and ability for the realization of the goal of "two hundred years". This article has carried on the thorough research to the contemporary university student's political belief question, the content altogether divides into six parts: the introduction part has introduced the research background, the research goal, the research significance, the domestic and foreign research present situation in detail, Research ideas and methods of six aspects of the content. The first chapter mainly discusses the theory of political belief. This paper discusses the concepts, characteristics and functions of ideals, beliefs, political beliefs and Marxist beliefs. From the Marxist theory, Chinese Marxism theory, ideological and political education related theory to cultivate the theoretical basis of correct political belief. The second chapter focuses on the investigation and analysis of contemporary college students' political beliefs. Firstly, it introduces the survey situation, such as the design of questionnaire and interview content, the selection of survey objects, the description of survey statistical tools, and the distribution of survey samples. Secondly, on the basis of empirical investigation and data analysis, the political beliefs of contemporary college students are summarized as follows: the types of political beliefs are diversified and the mainstream political beliefs are communism. To identify with the positive function of political belief but to have a vague understanding of its political belief, and to identify with socialism with Chinese characteristics also reflects the problems existing in the current political system. In general, we agree with the truth of Marxism but lack an accurate understanding of Marxism. The motive for joining the Party is correct but there are some ideological problems. The political participation consciousness is strong, but it lacks the relevant political quality and ability. To identify with the political belief education and to evaluate the current political belief education is low. In the third chapter, the author summarizes the main factors that influence the political belief of contemporary college students by combining the actual investigation with the relevant theories. The internal cause lies in the difference of individual needs, individual interests, individual values and individual qualities, while the external causes lie in the influence and restriction of current politics, economy, culture, society and so on. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward five aspects: cognition, emotion, will, trust and behavior to cultivate the correct political belief of contemporary college students. It requires college students to firmly master the basic knowledge of Marxism theory, to know the world, national conditions and party feelings, to strengthen the patriotic feelings of contemporary college students, and to activate the emotion of the college students to the red gene from the aspect of cognition. From the aspect of will, we should insist on the correct direction of life, consciously overcome the difficulties in life, strengthen the "four self-confidence" of contemporary college students, and strengthen their belief in correct political belief. It is necessary to actively participate in campus practice and broaden the scope of college students' participation in social practice. The conclusion describes the research results and their difficulties.


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