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发布时间:2018-12-31 22:35
[Abstract]:With the combination of the basic education curriculum reform and the university teacher education reform, with the continuous development of the cooperative movement of colleges and universities, people have surmounted the contradiction of the separation and opposition of independent institutions and the one-way service limitation of the seller model. The reciprocity principle of coexistence and covariance between the two sides is gradually formed and constructed in order to show the value demand of the cooperation between colleges and universities to promote teachers' professional development and improve students' learning results. Many literatures have discussed the rich connotation of this principle of reciprocity, and have clearly advocated that the reciprocal goal of college cooperation is mutual innovation, the reciprocal subject is the dual subject, the reciprocal content is the thematic activity, and the reciprocal mechanism is mutual service. Colleges and universities can only create a variety of effective reciprocal strategies, such as fostering the sense of reciprocity, building mutual trust, organizing reciprocal exchanges, strengthening reciprocal investment and demonstrating reciprocal effects, etc. Only then can nourish and promote the continuous growth and development of the cooperative culture of mutually beneficial colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学现代教育研究与开发中心;


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