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发布时间:2019-01-01 08:22
【摘要】:每个人都从属于一个民族。在现代性的框架下,民族与国家密切相关,具有政治性。民族主义是以民族为核心概念发展起来的一种社会思潮,它在中国基于中华民族这第一层之上,是一种维护统一、认同的意识形态运动。作为民族主义目标之一的民族认同是当下政府正努力建构与维持的重要内容,且文化认同与政治认同是民族认同的重要组成部分。但随着全球化脚步的进一步深化,多元文化逐渐影响大学生的文化认同;民族主义在中国的融合与分裂、刺激与回应影响大学生政治认同的情感与行为。作为民族和国家宝贵人才资源的大学生群体的民族认同情况直接关系到祖国的繁荣稳定发展。因此,将民族主义思潮与大学生群体相结合的研究是非常有必要且具有重大意义的。它将有助于学校及时了解大学生民族认同的现状,,跟进完善教学管理制度,帮助学生树立正确的民族认同。 本论文主要采用文献研究法和调查研究法。在基于大量民族主义相关理论的基础上,对浙江省7所高校的大学生进行问卷调查,运用SPSS17.0社会统计软件,借助描述性统计分析、相关分析,研究民族主义思潮对当代大学生的影响,我们发现:(1)文化认同方面,多数大学生有稳定的传统文化认同;多数大学生乐于接受西方文化;党员大学生对社会主义核心价值体系认同度最高;对当下大力弘扬的“中国梦”认同度较高。(2)政治认同方面,主要从情感与行为表现看,多数大学生有着对中华民族和祖国的自豪情感,对同胞有难的同悲关爱情感,对破坏民族国家团结统一的痛恨情感;多数大学生喜爱使用网络新媒介作为表达传递信息的方式,理性意识行为趋于主导,且体现年级差异。(3)与此同时,我们发现部分大学生民族情感淡薄、狭隘观念犹存、理念认知偏差。究其原因,首先,思政理论课教师、专业课教师与辅导员没有很好地履行主流意识形态的教育职责。其次,专业背景差异导致大学生认知偏差。最后,网络传播存在隐患。(4)综上所述,为了树立当代大学生正确的民族认同,我们要强化思政理论课教师、专业课教师、辅导员的立德树人职责使命,形成主流意识形态教育合力。
[Abstract]:Everyone belongs to a nation. Under the frame of modernity, the nation is closely related to the state and political. Nationalism is a kind of social trend of thought developed with the concept of nationality as the core. It is based on the first layer of the Chinese nation and is a kind of ideological movement to maintain unity and identity. As one of the nationalistic goals, national identity is an important content that the government is trying to construct and maintain, and cultural identity and political identity is an important part of national identity. However, with the further deepening of globalization, multiculturalism has gradually affected the cultural identity of college students; the fusion and division of nationalism in China has stimulated and responded to the emotion and behavior of college students' political identity. As a valuable national and national talent resources, the national identity of college students is directly related to the prosperity and stability of the motherland. Therefore, it is necessary and significant to combine nationalist thoughts with college students. It will help the school to understand the status quo of college students' national identity, follow up and perfect the teaching management system, and help the students to establish the correct national identity. This paper mainly uses the literature research and the investigation research method. Based on a large number of nationalistic theories, this paper makes a questionnaire survey on the college students of 7 universities in Zhejiang Province, and applies SPSS17.0 social statistics software, with the help of descriptive statistical analysis and correlation analysis. After studying the influence of nationalist thoughts on contemporary college students, we find that: (1) most college students have stable traditional cultural identity in terms of cultural identity; Most college students are willing to accept western culture, the party members and students have the highest degree of identity to the socialist core value system; In terms of political identity, most college students are proud of the Chinese nation and the motherland, and have the same feelings of compassion and love for their compatriots. Hatred of the unity and unity of the nation-state; Most college students prefer to use new network media as a way to convey information, rational conscious behavior tends to be dominant, and reflects grade differences. (3) at the same time, we find that some college students have weak national feelings and narrow ideas. Conceptual cognitive bias. First of all, teachers of ideological and political theory, professional teachers and counselors do not perform the education duty of mainstream ideology well. Secondly, the difference of professional background leads to cognitive bias of college students. Finally, there are hidden dangers in network communication. (4) in order to establish the correct national identity of contemporary college students, we should strengthen the duty of moral education of teachers of ideological and political theory, professional teachers and counselors. The formation of mainstream ideological education forces.


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