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发布时间:2019-01-01 08:19
【摘要】:随着高等教育体制改革的不断深入,高校需要越来越多地为国家高新技术等领域培养专业技能人才。实践教学已成为高校人才培养的重要组成部分,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的重要教学环节,然而传统的教育观和单调的教育教学方式已经不能适应高等教育人才培养的新要求。“团队作为,协同创新”正在成为全社会的共识。团队就是协同创新,团队就是合作共赢,团队就是全员参与,团队就是全校合力,只有这样,团队建设才会取得质的飞跃,学校发展的动力才会源源不断。 我国高等教育无论从学校数量,还是在校生数量,在世界高等教育规模中比例很庞大。相比较,实践能力方面差距较为突出。实践教学环节的薄弱,实践教学团队的缺失,实践育人观念的疏忽,严重制约了高校教学质量的进一步提升和高等教育的发展。要培养符合时代特征的高素质创新型实践人才,必须强化实践教学各个环节,对实践教学资源进行有效整合,行成高校实践教学团队,构建“3+1+1”的团队结构,全方位提升学生的专业技能,全面提高学生的实践创新能力。 本文通过对政策的剖析和现实需求的了解,在理论分析的基础上注重现实需求的分析,理论与实际相结合,以两所高校实践教学团队现状作为切入点,通过问卷调查和深度访谈结合的方式,对现有政策深入剖析,对实践教学团队建设中存在的现实问题进行了分析,试图首次对高校实践教学团队建设提出可行性措施。整合实验室、整合基地、整合实践教学资源,建立协同创新平台,培养学生社会责任感和实践创新能力。以此实施实践教学,对实践育人工作起到促进作用。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of higher education system, colleges and universities need more and more professional talents for national high-tech fields. Practical teaching has become an important part of talent training in colleges and universities, and an important teaching link to cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability. However, the traditional concept of education and monotonous teaching methods can not meet the new requirements of higher education personnel training. As a team, collaborative innovation is becoming the consensus of the whole society. Team is collaborative innovation, team is win-win cooperation, team is full participation, team is the strength of the whole school, only in this way, team building will make a qualitative leap, and the power of school development will continue. China's higher education has a large proportion in the world scale of higher education, both in terms of the number of schools and the number of students in school. By comparison, the gap in practical ability is more prominent. The weakness of practice teaching, the lack of practice teaching team and the neglect of practice education seriously restrict the further improvement of teaching quality and the development of higher education in colleges and universities. In order to train innovative talents with high quality and accord with the characteristics of the times, we must strengthen the various links of practical teaching, effectively integrate the resources of practical teaching, construct the team structure of "311" in colleges and universities. Improve students' professional skills and improve students' ability of practical innovation. Through the analysis of the policy and the understanding of the realistic demand, this paper pays attention to the analysis of the realistic demand on the basis of the theoretical analysis, combining the theory with the practice, taking the present situation of the practical teaching team in the two colleges and universities as the breakthrough point. Through the combination of questionnaires and in-depth interviews, this paper analyzes the existing policies, analyzes the practical problems existing in the construction of practical teaching teams, and attempts to put forward the feasible measures for the construction of practical teaching teams in colleges and universities for the first time. Integrating laboratory, base, practical teaching resources, establishing collaborative innovation platform, cultivating students' sense of social responsibility and practical innovation ability. In order to carry out practical teaching, it can promote the work of practical education.


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