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发布时间:2019-01-02 09:22
【摘要】:诗教是中国上古时代礼乐制度的产物,最初它包含在乐教之中。自春秋战国礼崩乐坏之后,诗教才因其具有《诗三百》文本载体而获得比乐教更为突出的地位。 首先,重点论述了孔子的诗教思想。该部分通过三个方面介绍孔子的诗教思想。第一,孔子诗教思想的来源。第二,孔子诗教的理论基础即思无邪。第三,孔子诗教的社会功能和道德修养规范。 其次,分析了孟子的诗教思想。孟子继承孔子及其后学的诗教思想并有所发挥创造,提出了“以意逆志”说、“知人论世”说、“王者之迹熄而诗亡,《诗》亡而后《春秋》作。”等用诗论诗的理论,为后世研究儒家诗教思想带来了很多启发。 再次,主要讨论上博馆藏楚竹书《孔子诗论》和郭店楚竹简《缁衣》、《五行》以及《性自命出》中关于引诗用诗的论点和从“性”“情”的角度探索诗教的研究价值。 最后,阐述了先秦儒家诗教思想的现代意义和影响。先秦儒家诗教重视政教伦理,规范社会秩序,能够达到促进社会和谐的目的。其中关于诗教的“思无邪”的教化思想以及“兴观群怨”的社会功能等对现代社会有着积极的借鉴作用。《诗经》在道德、情感、艺术表现、结构语言等方面对后世的审美教育有着深远的影响。先秦诗教对当代大学生思想政治教育以及社会主义和谐社会的建设也具有启示作用。
[Abstract]:Poetry teaching is the product of the system of etiquette and music in ancient China, which was initially included in music teaching. Since the Spring and Autumn period and the warring States period, the poetry education has gained a more prominent position than the music education because of its "poetry 300" text carrier. First of all, it focuses on Confucius' poetic teaching thought. This part introduces Confucius' poetic teaching thoughts in three aspects. First, the source of Confucius' poetic thought. Second, the theoretical basis of Confucius' poetic education is to think of innocence. Third, the social function and moral standards of Confucius poetry education. Secondly, it analyzes Mencius' thought of poetry teaching. Mencius inherited Confucius and his post-school poetic thoughts and created them. Mencius put forward the theory of "against the will with will" and "on the world with the understanding of the people", and said, "when the king died out, the poem died, and then the Spring and Autumn period." The theory of poetic theory has brought a lot of inspiration for the later study of Confucian poetic education. Thirdly, the thesis mainly discusses the argument about the introduction of poetry in Shangbo collection of Chu bamboo book "Confucius on Poems" and Guo Dianchu bamboo slips "Ziyi", "five elements", and "sexual self-assertion", and explores the research value of poetry teaching from the angle of "nature" and "emotion". Finally, it expounds the modern significance and influence of the Confucian poetic teaching thought in the pre-Qin Dynasty. Pre-Qin Confucian poetry pays attention to the ethics of politics and religion and standardizes the social order, which can promote social harmony. Among them, the enlightenment thought of "thinking without evil" and the social function of "interest and resentment" have positive reference to the modern society. The Book of songs shows morality, emotion and art. Structural language and other aspects have a profound impact on the aesthetic education of later generations. Pre-Qin poetry education also enlightens the ideological and political education of contemporary college students and the construction of a harmonious socialist society.


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