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发布时间:2019-01-02 14:51
【摘要】:本研究旨在建立针对中小学中层干部的结构化测评要素模型,为中小学选拔中层管理干部提供结构化面试的评价标准。 (1)本研究以中小学中层干部为研究对象,通过文献回顾、工作分析、行为事件访谈多种方法,全面收集中小学中层干部的结构化面试测评要素,通过人力资源专家进一步调整、修改与完善,最终确定32项中小学中层干部结构化测评要素; (2)编制《中小学中层干部结构化面试面试测评要素调查问卷》,选取大连市部分中小学进行预测,并采用统计软件SPSS17.0对数据进行项目分析,删除题总相关小于0.3的题目;形成《中小学中层干部结构化面试测评要素调查问卷》正式问卷,并进行正式施测,采用统计软件SPSS17.0和Amos7.0对数据进行因素分析,,最终形成了包括管理执行、沟通合作、动力特质、开拓发展、组织匹配和面试印象6个维度的中小学中层干部结构化面试测评要素模型。 (3)在中小学中层干部结构化面试测评要素模型的基础上,通过方差分析,建立教务处、政教处、总务处3个部门的面试要素模型,提出了3个部门的测评重点。教务处中层干部的测评重点为计划条理性;政教处中层干部的测评重点为问题解决和自律性;总务处中层干部的测评重点为乐群兴奋。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to establish a structured evaluation model for middle school cadres, and to provide the evaluation standard of structured interview for middle management cadres in primary and secondary schools. The main contents are as follows: (1) based on literature review, job analysis and behavior event interview, this study takes middle school cadres as the research object, and collects the structural interview evaluation elements of middle school cadres. Through the human resource experts to further adjust, modify and improve, the final determination of 32 middle school cadres structured evaluation elements; (2) to compile the questionnaire of structured interview and evaluation elements of middle school cadres, select some primary and middle schools in Dalian to forecast, and use statistical software SPSS17.0 to analyze the data. Delete topics with a total correlation of less than 0.3; A formal questionnaire was formed for the structured interview and evaluation elements of middle school cadres, and a formal questionnaire was conducted. The data were analyzed by SPSS17.0 and Amos7.0. Finally, management execution, communication and cooperation were formed. A structured interview evaluation model for middle school cadres in 6 dimensions: motivation, development, organization matching and interview impression. (3) on the basis of the model of structured interview and evaluation elements of middle school cadres, through the analysis of variance, this paper sets up the interview element models of three departments: the Department of Teaching Affairs, the Department of State and Education, and the General Affairs Department, and puts forward the evaluation key points of the three departments. The evaluation focus of the middle level cadres in the academic Affairs Office is planning, the middle level cadres in the Department of State and Education are focused on problem solving and self-discipline, and the evaluation emphasis of the middle level cadres in the General Affairs Office is the excitement of the happy group.


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