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发布时间:2019-01-02 14:57
【摘要】:随着旅游业的发展,我国旅游高等教育应运而生,旅游高校的数量逐渐增多,然而,数量上的增加并不等同于质量上的提高。旅游管理专业本科学生在就业时并未表现出应有的专业能力和素养,无法达到旅游市场对人才的需求标准。持续增长的旅游管理专业毕业生数量与旅游企业大量需求岗位的空缺形成鲜明对比,人才供需的严重错位,使得旅游行业对旅游管理专业本科学生的认可程度日益降低。导致这种情况原因很多,究其实质主要是高校对旅游管理专业本科学生能力的认识不充分,未能做到有针对性地培养。如何增强旅游管理专业学生的能力,提高毕业生的就业率不仅是旅游高校的重要任务,更是解决旅游行业人才供需平衡的主要途径。关于旅游管理专业学生能力构成的研究,已经成为一个亟待深入学习的重要课题。 基于上述情况,本文运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、因子分析法和均值分析法等多种研究方法对旅游管理专业本科学生能力的构成进行探讨。在对调查问卷所得的数据进行整理和分析的基础上,构建旅游管理专业本科学生能力的结构框架。同时对学生实际能力、学校培养重点与企业需求能力进行两两比较,分析差异形成的原因,最后提出旅游管理专业学生培养的意见和建议,以期提高旅游管理专业学生的能力,增强旅游管理专业学生的市场竞争力。 论文共分为六部分。第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了研究背景、研究意义、文献综述和研究方法等内容,,为全文做铺垫。第二部分阐述了能力的相关概念和分类,为全文奠定理论基础。第三部分重点探讨影响旅游管理专业本科学生能力构成的三方面因素。第四部分是实证研究,确定旅游管理专业本科学生能力构成的主要指标,并对其内部各个维度的重要程度进行分析。同时,以企业需求为基准,分别与学生和学校培养进行比较。第五部分为针对旅游管理专业学生能力的培养与提高提出的原则和建议。第六部分为本研究的主要观点和总结,并指出研究的局限。
[Abstract]:With the development of tourism, tourism higher education emerges as the times require, and the number of tourism colleges and universities increases gradually. However, the increase in quantity is not equal to the improvement of quality. The undergraduate students of tourism management did not show their due professional ability and accomplishment when they were employed and could not meet the requirements of the tourism market for talents. The continuous growth of the number of tourism management graduates and a large number of vacancies in tourism enterprises demand a sharp contrast, the serious dislocation of talent supply and demand, which makes the tourism industry to tourism management undergraduate students of the degree of recognition is decreasing day by day. There are many reasons leading to this situation, the essence of which is the insufficient understanding of undergraduate students' ability in tourism management, and the failure to cultivate them in a targeted way. How to strengthen the ability of students majoring in tourism management and improve the employment rate of graduates is not only an important task of tourism colleges but also a main way to solve the balance of talent supply and demand in tourism industry. The study on the composition of students' ability in tourism management has become an important subject for further study. Based on the above situation, this paper uses literature analysis, questionnaire, factor analysis and mean analysis to explore the composition of undergraduate students' ability in tourism management. On the basis of the data collected from the questionnaire, the structural framework of undergraduate students' ability in tourism management is constructed. At the same time, the author compares the students' actual ability, the emphasis of school training with the enterprise's demand ability, analyzes the causes of the difference, and finally puts forward the suggestions and suggestions for the cultivation of students majoring in tourism management in order to improve the ability of the students majoring in tourism management. Enhance the market competitiveness of students majoring in tourism management. The thesis is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, the research significance, the literature review and the research method and so on, makes the foundation for the full text. The second part describes the concept and classification of capability, which lays a theoretical foundation for the full text. The third part focuses on the three factors that affect the ability of undergraduate students majoring in tourism management. The fourth part is an empirical study to determine the main indicators of the ability of undergraduate students majoring in tourism management and to analyze the importance of each dimension. At the same time, the enterprise needs as the basis, and students and school training were compared. The fifth part is the principles and suggestions for the cultivation and improvement of tourism management students' ability. The sixth part is the main points and conclusions of this study, and points out the limitations of the study.


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