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发布时间:2019-01-04 20:57
【摘要】:在中国,高等院校肩负着培养社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人的历史使命,高校教师教书育人所起的作用至关重要,不可替代。而职业道德是教师的生命和灵魂,如果没有职业道德的传承和弘扬,教师作为一种职业也就失去了存在的价值。如果没有教师职业道德的发展演进,高校也就失去了办学育人的人力资源支撑和内在动力。近年来,随着改革开放的深入推进,在社会经济高速发展的同时,人们的评价标准和价值观念体系发生改变,经济指标往往成为评价体系中最重要的标准,反而忽视了对构建道德高地重要性的认知。目前,国内外对高校教师职业道德科学化发展关注较少,缺乏前瞻性研究成果,现有的制度在一定程度上缺乏实践操作性。因此,从科学发展观的角度,关注教师职业道德教育,对提高这个群体职业道德教育科学化水平的路径进行研究并提出对策,十分重要和必要。 本文根据近十年来高校教师职业道德研究文献的综合分析,并结合多年工作经验以及深入高校实地调查研究结果,对现阶段高校教师职业道德教育科学化水平进行了重新判断,并以此为依据,进一步明晰高校教师职业道德教育科学化的内涵与外延和基本标准,指出开展高校教师职业道德教育应牢牢把握高校教师的特点,结合新的时代要求,遵循基本规律,坚持全员性、针对性、层次性、实效性等“四大基本原则”,最后指出,提高高校教师职业道德教育科学化水平应该坚持“六大基本策略”,即目标引领策略、主体多元策略、内容优化策略、载体多维策略、环境熏陶策略、关怀适宜策略,并以学科建设科学化、体制机制科学化、投入保障科学化、制度安排科学化、工作评估科学化等“五个科学化”为保障。本研究成果对于教育部、重庆市教委以及高等院校进一步加强和改进教师职业道德教育,提升教师队伍素质,提高人才培养质量,将起到重要的决策参考作用。
[Abstract]:In China, colleges and universities shoulder the historical mission of cultivating qualified socialist builders and reliable successors. Professional ethics is the life and soul of teachers, if there is no inheritance and promotion of professional ethics, teachers as a profession will lose the value of existence. Without the development and evolution of teachers' professional ethics, colleges and universities will lose the support of human resources and internal power of running schools and educating people. In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening up, with the rapid development of social economy, people's evaluation standards and values system have changed, economic indicators often become the most important criteria in the evaluation system. Instead, it ignores the recognition of the importance of building a moral highland. At present, little attention is paid to the scientific development of college teachers' professional ethics at home and abroad, lack of prospective research results, and the existing system lacks practical operation to a certain extent. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to pay attention to the professional ethics education of teachers from the view of scientific development, to study the way to improve the scientific level of professional ethics education of this group and to put forward the countermeasures. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the literature on the professional ethics of college teachers in the past ten years, combined with the experience of many years and the results of the field investigation in colleges and universities, this paper makes a new judgment on the scientific level of the professional ethics education of teachers in colleges and universities at the present stage. On this basis, the connotation, extension and basic standards of the scientific education of college teachers' professional ethics should be further clarified. It is pointed out that the characteristics of university teachers should be firmly grasped in order to meet the requirements of the new times. Follow the basic law, adhere to the "four basic principles", such as all-staff, pertinence, hierarchy and effectiveness. Finally, it is pointed out that to improve the scientific level of college teachers' professional ethics education, we should adhere to the "six basic strategies", that is, the goal leading strategy. Subject plural strategy, content optimization strategy, carrier multidimensional strategy, environment edification strategy, concern for suitable strategy, subject construction scientific, system mechanism scientific, input guarantee scientific, system arrangement scientific, Work evaluation scientific and so on "five scientific" for the protection. The results of this study will play an important decision reference role for the Ministry of Education, Chongqing Education Commission and colleges and universities to further strengthen and improve teachers' professional ethics education, improve the quality of teachers, improve the quality of talent training.


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