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发布时间:2019-01-05 20:13
【摘要】:“爱的系列”情感教育是由1983年上海市教科所梅仲荪先生提出来的“爱的系列”德育教育的形式衍生出来的一种情感教育方式。它以情感教育的核心“爱”的教育为基础,采取时相构建法,依据时间运行的轨迹,根据人的成长过程不同时期的情感发展特征,制定以某一种“爱”的情感教育,做为阶段性教育内容的教育方式。本论文研究的内容是高校阶段大学生“爱的系列”情感教育,时相定位为大学阶段的青年;教育环境为高校;教育范畴为日常思想政治教育;教育者为大学的专职辅导员、班主任、学生工作者;教育方式为以“爱”为核心的系列情感教育活动。 大学生“爱的系列”情感教育在高校中由于其符合主流价值取向的教育方式,比较容易被高校现有教育体制所接纳。 首先,“爱的系列”情感教育是从人情感的基础——“爱”出发的教育,教人们学会爱,懂得爱,运用爱,掌握爱。这种最质朴的对情感本真的探索,最容易贴近人的情感需求,也最容易被人们所接受。 其次,“爱的系列”情感教育遵循了科学的理念和逻辑,从人的情感发展规律出发,依据人的情感发展特点,依据情感教育内容的广度增加,依据情感教育时间轴向的推移,科学的将教育内容安插在最适合的时间点上。 最后,“爱的系列”情感教育具备审美性、主体能动性、成功性、先进性以及内化性的特点,在高校的环境中,能够充分的发挥它的独特魅力,所以“爱的系列”情感教育从理论实践上、到现实推广上都具有一定的价值。 本论文在准确定义大学生“爱的系列”情感教育概念的基础上,对这一情感教育方式的内涵进行深入的分析和总结。从目标、原则、内容、方法四个方面进行了归纳。并通过理论分析法,问卷调查法等综合的研究方式对高校现行的“爱的系列”情感教育现状做以了解并充分调研、分析现状背后的问题实质——教育目标不明确,教育体系不完善,教育内容有局限,教育主体性不强,教育者素质参差不齐等影响因素。从而有针对性的提出大学生“爱的系列”情感教育在高校的实施策略。从目标构建、理念更新、方法改进、环境建设和保障措施等方面提出解决方案。
[Abstract]:"Series of Love" emotional education is a form of emotional education derived from the form of moral education of "Series of Love" put forward by Mr. Mei Zhongsun of Shanghai Educational Science Institute in 1983. It is based on the education of "love", which is the core of emotional education, adopts the method of time construction, according to the track of time running, according to the characteristics of emotional development in different periods in the process of human growth, and formulates a kind of emotional education of "love". Education as a phased content of education. The research content of this thesis is "the series of love" emotion education of college students, the time phase is the youth of the university stage, the educational environment is the university, the education category is the daily ideological and political education; Educators are full-time counselors, class teachers, student workers, and the education mode is a series of emotional education activities with love as the core. The "series of love" affective education of college students is easily accepted by the existing educational system in colleges and universities because of its educational method which accords with the mainstream value orientation. First of all, the "series of love" emotional education is based on the basis of human emotion-"love" education, teach people to love, know love, use love, master love. This kind of simple exploration of emotion is the easiest to get close to people's emotional needs and to be accepted by people. Secondly, the "series of love" affective education follows the scientific concept and logic, proceeding from the law of human emotional development, according to the characteristics of human affective development, according to the increase in the breadth of the content of emotional education, and according to the passage of the time axis of emotional education. Scientific placement of educational content at the most appropriate point in time. Finally, the "series of love" emotional education has the characteristics of aesthetic, subject initiative, success, advancement and internalization. In the environment of colleges and universities, it can give full play to its unique charm. Therefore, the love series emotional education has certain value from the theory practice to the reality promotion. On the basis of defining the concept of "series of love" emotion education of college students, this paper makes a deep analysis and summary of the connotation of this way of emotional education. From the goal, the principle, the content, the method has carried on the induction from four aspects. And through theoretical analysis, questionnaire survey and other comprehensive research methods to the current "love series" emotional education in colleges and universities to understand and fully investigate the problem behind the analysis of the essence-the educational objectives are not clear, The educational system is imperfect, the educational content is limited, the educational subjectivity is not strong, and the quality of the educator is not uniform. Therefore, this paper puts forward the implementation strategy of college students'"series of love" emotion education in colleges and universities. The solutions are put forward from the aspects of goal building, concept updating, method improvement, environmental construction and safeguard measures.


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