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发布时间:2019-01-07 11:46
[Abstract]:With the development of society, the pressure on people to work is gradually increasing. In the education industry, the problem of job burnout derived from pressure is the most prominent. The emergence of this problem is not only unfavorable to the physical and mental health of teachers. For the quality of teaching and the stability of the teaching team, it will even have a serious negative impact on the teaching work of the educators and the overall development of the students in the future. The popularization of higher education in China is becoming more and more obvious, with the survival of private colleges and universities have gradually become one of the education team can not be ignored. However, the survival of private colleges is more difficult than that of public institutions. After all, private colleges and universities have some problems, such as lack of accumulated plaque, insufficient support of government policies, imperfect construction of teachers and so on. In addition to the teachers of private colleges and universities, like their teachers in state-run schools, they are faced with the task of catching up with the speed of knowledge exchange and the better combination of theory and practice, as well as accepting the "how to obtain social identity" from private colleges and universities themselves. The private nature of ensuring occupational safety and obtaining career development opportunities has resulted in the teachers of private colleges and universities becoming a group with a high probability of job burnout in varying degrees. Therefore, it is of great practical value to study the burnout of teachers in private colleges. This thesis takes Songtian Vocational College in Guangzhou as the research object. The MBI-GS scale of teacher Burnout corrected by Taiwan researchers and the factors of Teachers' Job Burnout: an investigation of the influence factors of teacher Burnout on 135 teachers in private colleges and universities For investigation and analysis, To grasp the overall situation of teachers' job burnout in private colleges and universities, and to analyze the burnout in different working years, ages and education levels by means of comparison and comparison. Gender teachers and teachers in different subjects of different characteristics and existence of differences. In addition, this paper tries to understand the causes of teachers' job burnout in private colleges and universities from the aspects of school, school students, society and so on, in order to put forward corresponding countermeasures to prevent, alleviate and eliminate the burnout of teachers in private colleges and universities according to the investigation and analysis of the situation.


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