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发布时间:2019-01-07 16:05
[Abstract]:To study the ecological moral education of college students from the perspective of low carbon economy is not only the requirement of the development of the times but also the internal requirement of the development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. In the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is emphasized that we should strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, build a beautiful China, and strive to realize the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. With the reflection of contemporary society on the relationship between man and ecology, low-carbon economy is formed, which contains a series of moral concepts, and its ecological morality can not be ignored. In the new period of advocating ecological civilization, dealing well with the relationship between man and nature and carrying out ecological moral education is not only a powerful response to the development of low-carbon economy, but also the most rational choice that human beings make to realize sustainable development. For the ecological environment, we must abandon the rough and unscientific attitude in the past, but should embody the request of the times to add the moral elements, and to restrain and regulate the relationship between man and nature, man and society by virtue of morality. Under the background of cultivating talents in colleges and universities, the problems existing in ecological moral education, the dissemination of ecological moral consciousness and the development of ecological moral education are all conducive to the improvement of the overall ecological moral quality of society. Therefore, studying the ecological moral education of college students under the low carbon economy can further realize the morality and norm of the low carbon economy, and benefit the ecological morality to show the actual effect of the ecological civilization to the greatest extent in practice. Finally, we can promote the development of low-carbon economy, realize the sustainable development of society and economy, and build a beautiful China.


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