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发布时间:2019-01-07 19:14
[Abstract]:Over the past five years, the average rate of GDP growth in Laos has been relatively rapid, and the development of human resources is regarded as an essential driver for economic growth and social stability. In order to implement the development goals of the ruling party, to achieve industrialization and modernization and to move away from the status of least developed country, the most crucial thing for Laos is to establish a high-level human resource base to enable Laotians to acquire modern knowledge. Master the necessary knowledge in all fields and fields, and be able to use their knowledge analysis. In addition, they also need healthy physique and good training methods to establish human ethics and moral values, and to enhance their sense of responsibility and loyalty to the Party and the country. In order to achieve more rapid economic growth, Laos needs to improve the quality of professionals and scholars in the social and economic sectors, especially in the fields of hydropower, mining and entrepreneurship. Domestic and foreign economic sectors of investment growth is large, the application and development of science and technology is still necessary. In order to adapt to the economic reform, Laos should regard education as the productive force of local economic and social development, give priority to the development of the subject of management and planning, improve the quality of education, and gradually attach importance to the investment in higher education. It is urgent to improve the teaching level and the ability of educating people and to improve the overall quality of the teachers, which is the urgent task to realize the construction of the high level universities in Laos.


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