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发布时间:2019-01-12 15:50
[Abstract]:The establishment and development of private colleges and universities will face many unexpected difficulties, which is undoubtedly related to their own ideas and management methods, but at the beginning of the establishment of private colleges and universities, the government did not give great support to private colleges and universities. The main reason why private colleges and universities in our country cannot develop all the time is that the support of the government is not enough, which leads to the phenomenon that the system construction of private colleges and universities in our country lags behind and the system standard is unreasonable. If private universities want to achieve development, they must obtain the support of the government, optimize the running environment of private colleges and universities in combination with social cooperation and conditions of development, so as to make private colleges and universities and public colleges and universities develop together. To become the main force of higher education in China. This paper studies the role of government in the development of private colleges and universities in China. First of all, it analyzes the evolution of the role of the government in the development of private colleges and universities and the existing positioning problems, and expounds the course of the development of private colleges and universities and the evolution process of the role of the government. This paper expounds the challenges faced by private colleges and universities in the process of development, analyzes the problems and causes of the role orientation of our government in the development of private colleges and universities, and analyzes the specific problems such as government role positioning errors, offside, absence and so on. Then it analyzes the role of foreign governments in the development of private colleges and universities, draws lessons from the successful experience of private education in developed countries, and points out that our government should strictly check the establishment and approval of private colleges and universities. In addition, The government also has to supervise and manage the operation of private colleges and universities, and at the same time to provide legal and policy support for private colleges and universities. Finally, the role orientation of foreign governments in the development of private colleges and universities gives us enlightenment. Finally, taking Xi'an area as an example to illustrate the policy suggestions of perfecting the role orientation of our government in the development of private colleges and universities, and expounding the status quo of the role orientation in the development of private colleges and universities in Xi'an area, such as the imperfect policies and regulations. The economic support is not in place and the supervision mechanism is not perfect. This paper puts forward the measures to improve the government management behavior of private colleges and universities in Xi'an, and puts forward some policy suggestions on the role of our government in the development of private colleges and universities.


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