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发布时间:2019-01-17 07:11
【摘要】:高等教育系统是社会大系统的一个子系统,一所高校也是一个社会系统。高校内部按工作序列分,有教学系统、政工系统、后勤系统;按隶属关系分有校部、系科、班组。在高等教育系统中,存在着两个不同层次的目的:一是培养人。培养人是高等教育的实质性目的,高等教育系统的一切工作(包括管理工作)都必须围绕这一目的开展。而是协调高等教育系统中各种关系和资源的管理目的,通过有效的管理确保高等教育实质性目的的实现。 高等教育的功能是人才培养、科学研究和服务社会,其中人才培养是核心,人才培养是高校生存和发展的基础,高校在国家和社会发展中的作用、地位是通过培养的人来体现。人才培养工作是高校一切工作的中心,,任何工作的开展最终都要以实现人才培养为总目标。然而近年来在高等教育的三大功能中,人才培养被逐渐弱化,科研和服务社会的功能占据了主导,高等教育发展怎样才能回归育人,如何才能培养人,实现人的全面、和谐发展,成为了教育研究者们所关注的焦点。 本文的主要内容是:第一高校人才培养工作的理论与依据。理论对于实践活动的开展具有一定的指导意义,高校在人才培养工作开展过程中明确工作开展的理论和依据,有助于保障工作的顺利、有序的开展,完成人才培养的目标。第二高校人才培养工作的任务和原则。实现人的健康、全面、和谐发展是高校人才培养的总目标,原则是工作顺利开展的重要保障。第三高校人才培养工作的主要关系及协调。人才培养工作是一个复杂的系统工程,高校在开展人才培养工作时能够理清其主要关系,并能将它们和谐统一起来,将有助于提高人才培养的工作效率,使高校功能发挥达到最佳水平。
[Abstract]:Higher education system is a subsystem of social system, and a university is also a social system. Colleges and universities according to the sequence of work, teaching system, political work system, logistics system; according to the relationship between the school departments, teams. In the higher education system, there are two different levels of purpose: one is to train people. The cultivation of human beings is the substantive purpose of higher education, and all the work of higher education system (including management) must be carried out around this purpose. It is to coordinate the management purpose of various relationships and resources in the higher education system, and to ensure the realization of the substantive purpose of higher education through effective management. The function of higher education is talent training, scientific research and serving society, in which talent training is the core, talent training is the basis for the survival and development of colleges and universities, and the role of colleges and universities in the development of the country and society is reflected through the cultivation of people. The work of talent training is the center of all work in colleges and universities. However, in recent years, among the three functions of higher education, talent training has been gradually weakened, and the functions of scientific research and service to the society have dominated. How can the development of higher education return to educating people, how to train people, and how to realize the all-round development of human beings? Harmonious development has become the focus of attention of educational researchers. The main content of this paper is: the first university talent training work theory and basis. The theory has certain guiding significance for the practical activities. The theory and the basis of the work in the process of carrying out the work of talent training in colleges and universities are clear, which is helpful to ensure the smooth and orderly development of the work and to complete the goal of the cultivation of talents. Second, the task and principle of talent training in colleges and universities. To realize human health, all-round and harmonious development is the overall goal of talent training in colleges and universities, and the principle is an important guarantee for the smooth development of work. Third, the main relationship and coordination of talent training in colleges and universities. The work of talent training is a complicated system engineering. When colleges and universities carry out the work of talent training, they can clarify their main relations and unify them harmoniously, which will help to improve the work efficiency of talent training. Make the function of university reach the best level.


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