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发布时间:2019-01-16 07:28
【摘要】:笔者认为,教师的专业成长,其最重要的核心内容就是教师实践性知识的发展。作为教师职业生涯的重要起步阶段,高等师范院校的职前教师教育课程也应承担起促进师范生教师实践性知识发展的任务。而教育实习是国内高等师范院校教师教育课程中的重要环节,是师范生首次将所学的理论知识应用于具体教学实践的过程,也是职前教师在实践中发展的重要开端。那么,在教育实习过程中师范生的教师实践性知识是否有所发展?其发展变化的过程是怎样的?影响因素有哪些?这对我国高等师范院校职前教师教育有何启示?这正是本研究所关注的问题。 笔者在整理和分析了国内相关文献后发现,目前国内关于实习期间外语教师实践性知识发展的研究还很缺乏。因而,本研究采用个案研究的策略、叙事探究的方法,根据陈向明(2011)提出的教师实践性知识分析框架,对H师大外国语学院一名英语师范生吴老师的教师实践性知识进行了探究,试图通过叙述和分析吴老师的成长故事和实习故事,揭示出其教师实践性知识发展的内容、形式和影响因素,并总结出吴老师实习期间教师实践性知识的发展过程和特点。结果显示,吴老师在教育实习前就具备了一些关于教育教学实践的知识,影响因素主要是家庭环境、个人教育经历、个人实践经历等;实习期间吴教师的教师实践性知识的发展主要集中在关于科目的知识、关于学生的知识、关于情境的知识和关于自我的知识四个方面;发展形式主要是新知识的增加和对已有知识的强化;影响因素主要有导师指导、小组讨论、个人观察和个人反思等。本研究的创新之处在于,对教师实践性知识的发展过程进行了总结和概括,即在一定的问题情境下,,借助集体互动和个人反思加深对问题的认识、制定应对策略、并在反思性实践中增加新知识和强化已有知识的过程。 本研究对教师专业成长,特别是职前教师实习期间的专业成长有一定的启示意义,职前教师实习期间的专业成长需要在指导老师的全程指导下,在具体的问题情境中运用已有的知识进行个人实践,并对个人实践过程进行自我反思,从而促进其教师实践性知识的发展。
[Abstract]:The author thinks that the development of teachers' practical knowledge is the most important core content of teachers' professional growth. As an important starting stage of teachers' career, the pre-service teacher education curriculum in normal colleges should also take on the task of promoting the development of teachers' practical knowledge. The practice of education is an important link in the teacher education curriculum of teachers colleges and universities in China. It is the process of applying the theoretical knowledge learned by normal college students to the practical teaching for the first time. It is also an important beginning of the development of pre-service teachers in practice. So, in the process of teaching practice, teachers' practical knowledge of students has developed? What is the process of its development? What are the influencing factors? What enlightenment does this have to the pre-service teacher education in normal colleges and universities in China? This is exactly the concern of this study. After analyzing the relevant literature in China, the author finds that there is still a lack of research on the practical knowledge development of foreign language teachers in China. Therefore, this study adopts the strategy of case study and the method of narrative inquiry, according to the framework of teacher practical knowledge analysis proposed by Chen Xiangming (2011). This paper probes into the teacher's practical knowledge of Wu, an English teacher in Foreign language College of H normal University, and tries to reveal the content of the development of teacher's practical knowledge by narrating and analyzing teacher Wu's growth story and practice story. Form and influencing factors, and summarize the development process and characteristics of teacher's practical knowledge during the period of Wu's practice. The results show that teacher Wu had some knowledge about teaching practice before he was in practice. The main influencing factors were family environment, personal education experience, personal practical experience and so on. During the practice period, the development of teacher's practical knowledge of Wu mainly focuses on four aspects: knowledge about subjects, knowledge about students, knowledge about situation and knowledge about self. The main forms of development are the increase of new knowledge and the reinforcement of existing knowledge, and the influencing factors are tutors, group discussions, personal observation and personal reflection. The innovation of this study lies in the summary and summary of the development process of teachers' practical knowledge, that is, in a certain problem situation, with the help of collective interaction and individual reflection to deepen the understanding of the problem, to formulate coping strategies. And to add new knowledge and strengthen the process of existing knowledge in reflective practice. This research has some enlightening significance to the professional growth of teachers, especially during the practice of pre-service teachers. The professional growth of pre-service teachers needs to be guided by the guidance of the whole process. In the concrete problem situation, the existing knowledge is used to carry on the personal practice, and the self-reflection on the process of the individual practice, so as to promote the development of the teachers' practical knowledge.


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