[Abstract]:In recent years, many medical colleges and universities have set up long-term medical education. However, the history of long school medical education in China is not long, and there are still many doubts and controversies on how to run long school medical education. We have made a comparative study of many medical schools in the United States and in our country. We find that the medical schools of the United States have many characteristics in terms of student resources and employment patterns, curriculum planning, textbook selection, teaching methods, and the allocation of teachers. First of all, American medical schools recruit students who have completed undergraduate courses, while Chinese medical colleges recruit high school graduates. American students must undergo 11 years of study and education to obtain the opportunity to train specialists. There are some advantages in basic medical knowledge and clinical practice ability. Secondly, the American medical school adopted the interdisciplinary integrated curriculum module in the pre-clinical practice stage, and the curriculum also reflected the early contact with the clinic. At the same time, the choice of teaching materials in American medical schools is more flexible, generally there is no uniform teaching materials, and teachers designate some reading materials after class, which is beneficial to heuristic teaching. With abundant teachers and abundant teaching resources, American medical schools have adopted problem-centered teaching methods, which is conducive to the cultivation of students' ability to analyze and solve problems. In the eight-year medical education of our country, we can learn from the experience of American medical education, integrate the teaching contents reasonably, refer to the excellent teaching materials from abroad and compile more characteristic teaching materials, and strengthen the exchange and training of teachers. A new system of long-term medical education with international medical education standards and suitable for China's national conditions has been set up step by step.
【作者单位】: 中南大学湘雅医学院病理生理学系;
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