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发布时间:2019-01-20 16:18
【摘要】:中国性道德标准的变化,是伴随着各个历史时期不同的社会形态的变化而变化的。从先秦时期一直到二十一世纪的今天的数千年间,性道德的标准一直在禁欲和纵欲的临界点间不断波动。但不论尺度如何变动,都应当以将人的欲望控制在合理框架内为核心。人之所以为人,是因为人具有一定的自控力和自省力,能够有意识的抑制自身人性中罪恶的一面,否则便是只具有原始欲望的动物。 大学生处在人生当中最好的年华,尽管他们生理发育已初步完成,但心理发育仍尚显稚嫩,相对更容易放松对自己思想行为的控制,所以更会导致不当性行为的产生。性道德教育的宗旨便是在于将人的欲望从混乱拉回到理性的状态之中。而性道德教育的过程,则必须依托于多元化的平台,借用政府和市民社会的力量,,引导大学生性道德向良性的方向发展和树立全新的性道德观,这才是我们为之努力的方向。
[Abstract]:The changes of Chinese sexual moral standards are accompanied by the changes of different social forms in different historical periods. For thousands of years from the pre-Qin period to the 21 century, the standards of sexual morality have been fluctuating between the critical points of abstinence and indulgence. However, no matter how the yardstick changes, the core should be to control human desire within a reasonable framework. The reason why man is human is because he has certain self-control and self-saving, and can consciously suppress the evil side of his own human nature, otherwise he is only an animal with primitive desire. College students are in the best years of life, although their physical development has been initially completed, but psychological development is still young, relatively easy to relax their own ideological and behavioral control, so it will lead to inappropriate sexual behavior. The purpose of sexual moral education is to pull human desire from chaos to rational state. However, the process of sexual morality education must rely on the plural platform, borrow the strength of the government and civil society, guide the university students' sexual morality to develop to the benign direction and set up the brand-new sexual morality, this is the direction that we strive for.


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