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发布时间:2019-01-21 18:30
【摘要】:本研究以马克思主义生命观和社会主义核心价值体系为理论支撑,采用质性研究的方法建构关于大学生生命价值观概念结构的理论,运用马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义分析大学生生命价值观的问题及成因,最后基于以上研究结果探讨对大学生命教育理论和实践的启示。 首先,本研究采用质性研究的深度访谈法,收集大学生生命价值观的资料,并运用扎根理论对资料进行编码分析,归纳建构出关于大学生生命价值观概念结构的理论。质性研究结果表明:大学生生命价值观由生命意义观和死亡观两部分内容组成。第一,大学生的生命意义观具有多元维度,各维度均包含多样化的构成因素。大学生在与自我、他人及自然的关系三大维度中体验生命意义,其中与自我的关系是大学生生命意义观的核心维度,与他人及自然的关系实际上是与自我关系维度的延伸和拓展。第二,,大学生的死亡观由死亡认知和死亡态度两部分内容构成。其中,死亡认知分为现世观和永生观两类;死亡态度分为坦然接受、害怕恐惧和逃避死亡三类。大学生的死亡观不是截然区分的单维度状态,而是呈重叠交错的复杂并存状态。 继而,本研究运用马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义分析大学生生命价值观存在的问题及成因。研究结果显示:大学生生命价值观呈现出忽视生命价值内省、理想信仰意识弱化、盲目主义从众倾向、竞争主义人际关系、利己主义社会态度、物质主义价值取向和享乐主义生活态度七大问题。造成以上问题的原因包括社会转型引发新旧价值观念的冲突、全球化和互联网加速多元文化的冲突、市场经济带来的负面效应及大学生自身的内在因素。 最后,基于以上结果,研究者提出开展大学生命教育必须坚持价值导向一元化的原则,坚持社会主义核心价值体系的引领方向,明确健全人格、培育德性和培养价值理性的三位一体的生命教育目标,实施与心理健康教育、德育和思想政治理论课堂 三大平台相结合的策略,创新多样化的生命教育实现途径。
[Abstract]:Based on the Marxist view of life and the socialist core value system, this study uses the qualitative research method to construct the theory of the concept structure of college students' life values. This paper applies Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism to analyze the problems and causes of college students' life values, and finally discusses the enlightenment to the theory and practice of college life education based on the above research results. First of all, this research adopts the method of in-depth interview of qualitative research, collects the data of college students' life values, and uses the theory of root taking root to code and analyze the data, and induces and constructs the theory about the concept structure of college students' life values. The qualitative research results show that the life values of college students consist of two parts: life meaning view and death view. First, college students' view of life meaning has multiple dimensions, each dimension contains a variety of factors. College students experience the meaning of life in the three dimensions of relationship with self, others and nature, among which the relationship with self is the core dimension of college students' view of life meaning. The relationship with others and nature is actually an extension and expansion of the dimension of self-relation. Second, college students' view of death consists of two parts: death cognition and death attitude. Among them, the cognition of death is divided into the outlook of present life and the view of immortality, and the attitude of death is divided into three categories: open acceptance, fear of fear and escape from death. The view of death of college students is not a single-dimensional state, but a complicated coexistence state with overlapping and staggered. Then, this study uses Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism to analyze the problems and causes of college students' life values. The results show that college students' life values show introspection of ignoring life value, weakening of ideal belief consciousness, blind tendency of conformity, competitive interpersonal relationship, self-interest social attitude, etc. Material value orientation and hedonism life attitude seven major problems. The causes of the above problems include the conflicts between old and new values caused by social transformation, the conflicts between globalization and Internet accelerating multiculturalism, the negative effects of market economy and the inherent factors of college students themselves. Finally, based on the above results, the researcher puts forward that to carry out college life education, we must adhere to the principle of unifying value orientation, adhere to the guiding direction of socialist core value system, and make clear and perfect personality. The aim of life education is to cultivate virtue and value rationality, to implement the strategy of combining the three platforms of mental health education, moral education and ideological and political theory classroom, and to innovate various ways of realizing life education.


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1 邵晓红;大学生生命教育理论研究[D];东北师范大学;2006年




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