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发布时间:2019-01-22 12:02
【摘要】:师德是教师从事教育教学工作时必须遵循的各种道德规范的总和,包括教师的职业道德、职业精神、思想观念、道德品质等意识形态领域的诸多内容,是教师素质的核心部分,是教师思想觉悟、道德品质和精神面貌的集中体现。师德引导教师正确处理教师与人民教育事业的关系、教师作为劳动者与其劳动对象学生的关系、教师的职业劳动与其自身人格塑造的关系。 自1999年高校扩招以来,“80后”青年教师(35岁以下)在高校教师队伍中所占的比例越来越大,成为高校教师队伍的主力军和生力军。新时期加强和改进高校青年教师师德建设是加强社会思想道德建设、促进高校和谐校园建设和全面提高高等教育质量的需要。 本文首先阐述了新时期我国高校青年教师师德建设的内涵和基本要求;其次,选取不同层次的五所高校的青年教师、管理者和学生为样本进行调查和访谈发现,当前高校青年教师师德总体良好,但存在思想政治观念有所偏差、为人师表意识有所弱化、敬业爱生精神有所不足、教书育人意识有所淡薄、严谨治学态度有所缺失、服务社会意识有所缺乏等问题;随后,从社会环境因素、国家政策因素、高校管理因素、教师自身原因等四个方面分析了高校青年教师师德问题的成因;最后,提出从提高思想认识、创设良好环境、建立长效机制和加强自我修养四个方面提出加强新时期高校青年教师师德建设的对策。 新时期高校青年教师师德建设是一项复杂的系统工程,既需要国家和高校为高校青年教师师德建设创造良好的外部条件和建立完善的制度规范,更需要高校青年教师在师德建设中能够实现内在自觉,即以外在规范和内在自觉的统一推动高校青年教师师德整体水平的提高。
[Abstract]:Teachers' morality is the sum of all kinds of moral norms that teachers must follow when they are engaged in education and teaching, including the teachers' professional ethics, professional spirit, ideology, moral quality and so on. It is the core part of teachers' quality. It is the concentrated embodiment of teachers' ideological consciousness, moral quality and spiritual outlook. Teachers' ethics guide teachers to correctly handle the relationship between teachers and people's education, teachers as workers and their students, teachers' professional work and their own personality. Since the expansion of college enrollment in 1999, the proportion of "post-80s" young teachers (under 35 years old) in the ranks of university teachers has become more and more large, and has become the main force and new force of university teachers. In the new period, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of social ideology and morality, to promote the construction of harmonious campus and to improve the quality of higher education. This paper first expounds the connotation and basic requirements of the construction of young teachers' ethics in colleges and universities in China in the new period. Secondly, selecting the young teachers, administrators and students of five universities at different levels as samples to investigate and interview, it is found that the teachers' ethics of young teachers in colleges and universities are generally good, but there are some deviations in ideological and political concepts. The consciousness of being a teacher is weakened, the spirit of devotion and love is deficient, the consciousness of teaching and educating is weak, the attitude of rigorous scholarship is lacking, and the consciousness of serving the society is lacking. Then, it analyzes the causes of teachers' moral problems from four aspects: social environmental factors, national policy factors, university management factors and teachers' own reasons. Finally, the author puts forward the countermeasures to strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics in the new period from four aspects: raising the ideological understanding, creating a good environment, establishing a long-term mechanism and strengthening self-cultivation. In the new era, the construction of young teachers' ethics in colleges and universities is a complex systematic project, which requires the state and universities to create good external conditions and establish perfect system norms for the construction of young teachers' ethics in colleges and universities. It is even more necessary for young college teachers to realize their inner consciousness in the construction of teachers' ethics, that is, to promote the improvement of the overall level of teachers' ethics by the unity of external norms and internal consciousness.


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