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发布时间:2019-01-23 21:40
【摘要】:独立学院是高等教育发展到一定阶段的产物,是我国实行大众教育的必然选择,由于独立学院收费高,在相当长的时期内独立学院给外界的印象就是独立学院没有贫困生,国家对高校贫困生的资助政策也一直把独立学院的贫困生排除在外,随着独立学院的办校规模越来越大,独立学院贫困生的资助问题逐渐引起了相关部门的重视。我国直到2007年才将独立学院的贫困生作为国家资助政策的资助对象。 本文从独立学院贫困生的视角出发,分析了独立学院的特点,采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,了解到独立学院家庭经济困难的学生来自的地区、月消费、家庭子女数和家庭年收入等,通过政策评估理论分析得出国家的这些资助措施对贫困生在成绩和心理上的影响。从相关数据中得出当前江西省独立学院在对家庭经济困难的学生进行资助过程中存在的问题,并从各个角度提出了一些切实可行的办法如扩大国家资助金的受助面、国家资助措施在认定过程、评定过程和发放过程中流程的监管、适当提高独立学院家庭经济困难学生贷款的额度、消除人为因素,杜绝奖助学金的迟发、扣发等现象的发生。
[Abstract]:Independent colleges are the product of the development of higher education to a certain stage and the inevitable choice of implementing mass education in our country. Due to the high fees charged by independent colleges, the impression given by independent colleges to the outside world for quite a long time is that there are no poor students in independent colleges. The national subsidy policy for poor students in colleges and universities has been excluding the poor students in independent colleges. With the increasing scale of running independent colleges, the problem of funding for poor students in independent colleges has gradually attracted the attention of relevant departments. In 2007, the poor students of the independent college were not regarded as the object of the state subsidy policy in our country. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the independent college from the perspective of the impoverished students in the independent college. By means of questionnaires and interviews, the author finds out that the students with financial difficulties in the independent college come from the region where they spend their monthly expenses. Based on the analysis of the number of children and the annual income of the family, the influence of these measures on the achievement and psychology of the poor students is obtained by the analysis of the policy evaluation theory. From the relevant data, the problems existing in the process of financial aid for students with financial difficulties in Jiangxi Province are found, and some practical methods such as expanding the scope of state subvention are put forward from various angles. In the process of identification, evaluation and distribution, the state subsidy measures should properly increase the amount of loans to students with financial difficulties in independent colleges, eliminate human factors, and put an end to the phenomenon of late payment and withholding of awards and bursaries.


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