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发布时间:2019-01-27 13:08
【摘要】:大学生是国家珍贵的人才资源,是祖国的未来、民族的希望。大学生的思想状况、道德品质、科学文化素质和心理健康状况如何,必将关系到国家的前途命运。目前,我国社会正处在发展的关键期、改革的攻坚期,具体到高校教育事业的发展,就要求高校在处理教育发展和改革问题的过程中,必须要在坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的进程中加以解决。 角色认同体验是哲学命题,也是社会学命题,它在道德教育理论研究与实践操作中具有重要的地位。在社会主义价值取向为主导的角色认同期待作用下,大学生会根据马克思主义价值取向的要求进行角色认同实践体验,这是道德教育从纯粹的理论走向实践的必然途径。基于角色认同体验的大学生道德教育机制的构建,能对当前大学生道德教育体系进行有效地创新与发展。尤其从当前主流的价值取向出发,使学生对社会主流价值取向产生强烈的认同,然后通过认同实践体验进行价值伦理的实践。这是素质教育的要求,也是人的全面发展理论的要求和实现途径。将主流意识形态以及一些道德教育思想应用于实践中,能使学生在认同体验的基础上感受到这一教育机制给其带来的快感和乐趣,从而增强道德教育的实践针对性和实践效能,是大学生道德教育创新与发展的必然要求。在国际和国内形势发生深刻变化及高等教育大众化的背景下,大学生的道德教育机制面临着前所未有的挑战和许多新的问题。阻碍大学生道德教育机制发展的因素有很多,机制构建仍是一个比较突出的问题。 建立具有角色认同体验的大学生道德教育机制,是当前大学生道德教育研究和实践创新的重要目标,也是大学生道德教育研究领域的重要创新和拓展。当主流价值取向在当代大学生的心里生根发芽之后,他们就会产生强烈的认同期待和体验期待,并由此通过不懈努力,朝着既定的方向和目标奋斗,最终成为社会有用的建设者。 因此,建立基于角色认同体验的大学生道德教育机制,将角色认同体验放在重要位置,通过体验实现道德教育的目的,是有效弥补道德教育比较空泛和乏味的重要途径之一。 本文立足于马克思主义人的全面发展理论,力图通过角色认同期待和角色认同体验,使大学生树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观。确立符合社会伦理规范的价值诉求,并为之奋斗,最终实现人的全面发展,并提升高校道德教育的效能和效率。在本文的研究写作过程中,综合运用了文献分析法、分析与综合相结合的研究法、交叉学科研究法等研究方法,力求在吸收与借鉴前人的相关研究成果的基础上,在较高的层次上完成本论文的体系建构。
[Abstract]:College students are the country's precious talent resources, is the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation. The ideological condition, moral quality, scientific and cultural quality and mental health of college students are bound to affect the future of our country. At present, our society is in a critical period of development, and the period of reform, specifically to the development of educational undertakings in colleges and universities, requires colleges and universities to deal with the problems of educational development and reform. We must solve the problem in the course of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Role identity experience is a philosophical and sociological proposition, which plays an important role in the theoretical research and practical operation of moral education. Under the role identity expectation function of socialist value orientation, college students will carry on the practice experience of role identity according to the request of Marxist value orientation, which is the inevitable way for moral education to move from pure theory to practice. The construction of moral education mechanism based on the experience of role identity can effectively innovate and develop the current moral education system of college students. Especially starting from the current mainstream value orientation, the students have strong identification with the social mainstream value orientation, and then carry on the practice of value ethics through the identification practice experience. This is the requirement of quality education, and also the requirement and realization of the theory of man's all-round development. Applying the mainstream ideology and some moral education thoughts to practice can make students feel the pleasure and pleasure brought by this educational mechanism on the basis of their identification and experience, thus enhancing the practical pertinence and practical effectiveness of moral education. It is the inevitable requirement of the innovation and development of college students' moral education. Under the background of the profound changes in the international and domestic situations and the popularization of higher education, the moral education mechanism of college students is facing unprecedented challenges and many new problems. There are many factors hindering the development of moral education mechanism of college students, and the construction of mechanism is still a prominent problem. It is an important goal of current moral education research and practical innovation to establish the moral education mechanism of college students with the experience of role identity. It is also an important innovation and expansion of the research field of college students' moral education. When the mainstream value orientation takes root in the heart of the contemporary college students, they will have strong identification expectation and experience expectation, and through unremitting efforts, they will strive towards the established direction and goal. Eventually become a useful builder of society. Therefore, establishing the moral education mechanism based on the experience of role identity, putting the experience of identity of role in an important position and realizing the purpose of moral education through experience is one of the important ways to make up for the blank and boring moral education effectively. Based on the Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings, this paper tries to establish a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values through the expectation of role identity and the experience of role identity. To establish and strive for the value which accords with the social ethical norms, to realize the all-round development of human beings, and to promote the efficiency and efficiency of moral education in colleges and universities. In the course of the research and writing of this paper, the author makes comprehensive use of the literature analysis method, the research method combined with the analysis and synthesis, the interdiscipline research method and so on, and tries hard to absorb and draw lessons from the predecessor's related research results. The system construction of this thesis is completed at a higher level.


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