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发布时间:2019-01-27 22:29
【摘要】:随着改革开放,社会主义市场经济的快速发展,在各种思潮和文化相互碰撞的新形势下,我国高等教育也逐步呈现出由精英化走向大众化的发展趋势,诸多高校均开办了艺术类专业,而伴随着众多艺术类大学生的涌现,对艺术类学生的思想政治教育管理问题亦成为高校学生教育管理工作中带有共性的热点问题。 本研究主要是针对工科类高校的艺术类大学生的思想政治素质状况进行研究,共有包括导论在内的四大部分组成。先从分析思想政治教育研究的理论基础着手,随后通过开展问卷调查的形式,主要包括武汉纺织大学、武汉理工大学、武汉工程大学在内的三所湖北省的工科类高校,从调查中找出工科院校中艺术类大学生思想政治素质存在的问题,并对这些问题的表现进行深入的原因分析。 本研究认为,工科院校的艺术类大学生的思想政治素质状况存在的问题主要表现为,第一,理想信念淡漠;第二,价值取向功利化;第三,集体观念淡漠;第四,社会责任感有些缺失;第五,自我认知存在偏差;第六,文化基础薄弱。工科院校艺术类大学生思想政治教育存在的问题主要表现为,第一,思想政治教育理念有些陈旧;第二,思想政治教育内容针对性不足;第三,思想政治教育方法不够灵活。而社会多元化价值观的影响、高校思想政治教育自身的不足、家庭教育重物质轻精神、艺术专业教育的自由性与开放性特点以及学生的自主发展意识不够,是导致这些问题存在的主要原因。 为增强工科院校艺术类大学生的思想政治教育工作的实效性,本研究针对其存在的问题及主要原因提出了相应的思想政治教育对策,首先是要树立以人为本的思想政治教育育人理念,,发挥教育者的育人作用,尊重学生的个性发展并培养学生“自我教育”能力;其次是通过“两课”教育,相应地改善其教育内容与教学方法,坚定学生的政治信念;第三是要通过开展形式丰富的校内外实践活动来增强学生的集体意识;最后,是要将工科院校艺术类大学生的思想政治教育和人文素质教育与其专业教育相结合,从而全面提高工科院校艺术类大学生的综合素质。 通过上述分析,对于进一步做好工科院校艺术类大学生的思想政治教育工作,引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,成为一名符合现代化建设的优秀艺术人才,有着重要的意义。
[Abstract]:With the reform and opening up, the rapid development of the socialist market economy, in the new situation of the collision of various trends of thought and culture, the higher education of our country has gradually shown the trend of development from elite to popular. Many colleges and universities have set up art majors, and with the emergence of many art students, the ideological and political education management of art students has become a common hot issue in the work of college students' education and management. This research is mainly aimed at the ideological and political quality of art college students in engineering colleges and universities, which consists of four parts, including the introduction. Starting with the analysis of the theoretical basis of ideological and political education research, and then through the form of questionnaires, including Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan University of Engineering, three engineering universities in Hubei Province, This paper finds out the problems existing in the ideological and political quality of art students in engineering colleges and analyzes the causes of these problems. The main problems in the ideological and political quality of art students in engineering colleges are: first, indifferent to ideals and beliefs; second, utilitarian value orientation; third, indifferent to collective ideas; Fourth, lack of social responsibility; fifth, deviation of self-cognition; sixth, weak cultural foundation. The main problems of ideological and political education for art college students are as follows: first, the idea of ideological and political education is some old; second, the content of ideological and political education is inadequate; third, the method of ideological and political education is not flexible enough. However, the influence of social pluralistic values, the deficiency of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the importance of family education, the characteristics of freedom and openness of art education, and the students' consciousness of independent development are not enough. Is the main cause of these problems. In order to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education for art students in engineering colleges, this study puts forward corresponding countermeasures for ideological and political education in view of its existing problems and main reasons. First of all, we should set up a people-oriented ideological and political education concept, play the role of educating educators, respect the development of students' personality and cultivate students' ability of "self-education"; Secondly, through the education of "two courses", we should improve their educational content and teaching method accordingly, strengthen the students' political belief, third, strengthen the students' collective consciousness by carrying out rich practical activities inside and outside the school. Finally, it is necessary to combine the ideological and political education and humanistic quality education of art students in engineering colleges with their professional education, so as to improve the comprehensive quality of art students in engineering colleges. Through the above analysis, we can further improve the ideological and political education of art students in engineering colleges and universities, guide them to set up a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and become an outstanding artistic talent in line with the modernization drive. It is of great significance.


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