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发布时间:2019-02-09 16:21
【摘要】:时代的变迁和进步,对思想政治教育工作提出了新的要求。本文主要是从大学生思想政治工作中人文教育的现状、特点出发,着力研究高校思想政治工作中人文教育的理论内涵、组织实施和模式构建,深入探讨在高校思想政治工作中怎样贯彻坚持以学生为主体的思想观念和育人理念,构建一种学生全面成长成才的教育和关爱模式。本文研究的根本目的是,,将人文教育渗透到大学生成长成才的思想政治工作的方方面面,让大学生思想政治工作深入学生之心,变思想政治工作“强制占领式”为“潜移默化式”,通过“有为”的构建完成“无为”的润物无声。笔者寄希望于这种教育模式能给予学生信仰和关怀、激情和感性、安然和宁静,让每个学生拥有一颗追求善、体验美、感受温暖的心。本文的创新之处主要有:一是本文在理论联系实际的基础上,立足现实,运用大学生思想政治素质提升工程的最新探求成果——特色成长辅导室,切实将人文艺术教育、心理健康教育与思想政治教育三者相结合,让学生真正学会和体验到“仰望星空“与“脚踏实地”的意境,为新时期高校德育工作的发展和创新提供新思路。二是提出了建构高校思想政治工作人文教育模式的设想,且笔者在实践中总结出心理疏导+行为规范+人生目标规划与实践三位一体的新模式,从而提高了解决学生实际问题的效果和效率。 随着社会的不断发展,育人实践的不断拓展,教育理论也将不断深化。笔者相信,随着教育理论和实践的不断深化与拓展,我们对高校思想政治工作中人文教育的研究也将不断深入,高校思想政治工作将大有可为,它将为整个大学教育和国民人文素质的提高做出自己的贡献。
[Abstract]:The changes and progress of the times put forward new requirements for ideological and political education. Based on the present situation and characteristics of humanistic education in the ideological and political work of college students, this paper focuses on the theoretical connotation, organizational implementation and mode construction of humanistic education in ideological and political work in colleges and universities. This paper probes into how to carry out the idea of students as the main body and the idea of educating people in the ideological and political work of colleges and universities, and to construct a mode of education and love for students to grow up and become talents in an all-round way. The fundamental purpose of this study is to infiltrate humanistic education into all aspects of the ideological and political work in which college students grow up and become talents, so that the ideological and political work of college students can go deep into the hearts of students. To change the ideological and political work from "forced occupation" to "imperceptible", and to complete "inaction" through the construction of "doing without action". The author hopes that this mode of education can give students faith and care, passion and sensibility, peace and tranquility, so that each student can have a heart of pursuing good, experiencing beauty and feeling warm. The innovations of this paper are as follows: first, on the basis of integrating theory with practice, based on reality, this paper applies the latest research results of the ideological and political quality upgrading project of college students-the characteristic growth guidance room, to effectively educate the humanities and arts. The combination of mental health education and ideological and political education enables students to truly learn and experience the artistic conception of "looking up to the stars" and "down-to-earth", and provides a new way of thinking for the development and innovation of moral education in colleges and universities in the new period. The second is to put forward the idea of constructing the humanistic education mode of ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and the author sums up a new model in practice, which is the trinity of psychological guidance behavior norm, life goal planning and practice. In order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of solving students' practical problems. With the development of society and the development of educational practice, educational theory will be deepened. The author believes that with the deepening and expanding of educational theory and practice, our research on humanistic education in ideological and political work in colleges and universities will continue to deepen, and ideological and political work in colleges and universities will have great potential. It will make its own contribution to the whole university education and the improvement of national humanistic quality.


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