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发布时间:2019-02-16 09:33
【摘要】:校园文化作为一种组织文化,是以校园为主体,全体师生共同参与,以学生为对象,以育人为宗旨;将精神文化、环境文化、行为文化和制度文化融为一体,以创造一种优良的学习环境和生活环境为目标,促进学生健康、全面地发展进步的文化。 仲景特色校园文化,是能够充分体现高校文化传统与专业特色的高校校园文化,是以仲景故里独特的文化优势,盛产八大宛药的地域特质,伏牛山天然药物实习基地的独一无二为基础,倡导仁爱、济世,实践、创新的仲景精神,为莘莘学子提供浓厚仲景文化学习氛围的一种校园文化。 仲景特色校园文化的建设,是学校建设的需要,是全面加强大学生综合素质教育的需要,是实施特色办校战略的需要。建设南阳医专特色校园文化可以以课堂教学为主渠道,以教科研为平台,以学习教育活动为支撑以技能训练为重点,以校园文化为平台,以社会实践活动为载体,增强学生的实践动手能力,营造浓厚的仲景精神教育氛围,全面提升学生的道德境界。 南阳医专作为医圣张仲景故里唯一一所医学高校,具有鲜明的地域特色和浓厚的文化特质,要真正把医专的校园文化发展好,学校就必须始终将弘扬优秀传统文化、继承发扬仲景精神为己任,把“特色名校”作为办学的重要方略之一,全力打造仲景人才品牌,创造独具特色的仲景校园文化。
[Abstract]:As an organizational culture, the campus culture takes the campus as the main body, all the teachers and students participate together, the students as the object and the education as the purpose; Combining spiritual culture, environmental culture, behavioral culture and institutional culture, the goal is to create a good learning environment and living environment, to promote students' health and to develop a progressive culture in an all-round way. The campus culture with Zhongjing characteristics is the campus culture which can fully reflect the cultural tradition and professional characteristics of colleges and universities. It is the regional characteristic of Zhongjing's unique cultural advantage, which is rich in eight kinds of Wan medicine. Based on the unique practice base of natural medicine in Funiu Mountain, the Zhongjing spirit of benevolence, charity, practice and innovation is advocated, which provides a kind of campus culture for students to study in Zhongjing culture. The construction of Zhongjing's characteristic campus culture is the need of school construction, the need of comprehensively strengthening the comprehensive quality education of college students, and the need of implementing the strategy of running a school with characteristics. The construction of Nanyang Medical College characteristic campus culture can take classroom teaching as the main channel, scientific research as the platform, learning and education activities as the support, skills training as the emphasis, campus culture as the platform, and social practice activities as the carrier. Strengthen the students' practical ability, create a strong atmosphere of spiritual education, improve the moral state of students. Nanyang Medical College, as the only medical college in the hometown of medical Saint Zhang Zhongjing, has distinct regional characteristics and strong cultural characteristics. In order to truly develop the campus culture of the medical college, the school must always carry forward the excellent traditional culture. To inherit and carry forward the spirit of Zhongjing as one of the important strategies of running a school, to create a brand of Zhongjing talents and to create a unique campus culture of Zhongjing.


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