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发布时间:2019-02-17 10:08
[Abstract]:Each organization has its own characteristics, different from the enterprise administrative organization, the group faced by university teachers has its own characteristics. Under the background of the times, the construction of the performance appraisal system of university teachers should also follow its unique development route, so as to improve the overall quality of modern university teachers and promote the development process of social education reform. How to set up teacher performance evaluation system under the organizational characteristics of colleges and universities is a top priority of the current research on similar issues. The organizational characteristics of colleges and universities determine the performance appraisal system of university teachers. Under the background of analyzing the organizational characteristics of colleges and universities, this paper introduces the concrete measures to improve the performance appraisal system of university teachers. It has some breakthrough and innovation in the practical significance of the construction of university teachers' performance appraisal system. This paper first introduces the background and significance of the research, expounds the current research situation at home and abroad, the research methods and contents of this paper, and then enumerates the relevant theories of organizational characteristics, and analyzes the relationship between the organizational characteristics of colleges and universities and the evaluation of teachers' performance. Then, in view of the present situation of the performance appraisal system of university teachers, this paper puts forward some problems and analyzes the causes of the problems, and then makes a path choice to perfect the construction of the performance appraisal of college teachers in our country. This can be used for reference to the construction of the performance appraisal system of college teachers in the future. Under the construction of this kind of performance appraisal system, we can further embody the scientific idea of "people-oriented" in colleges and universities, improve the teaching and scientific research level of university teachers with a more scientific and reasonable assessment system, and realize the development goals of colleges and universities. Improve the management mode of colleges and universities from the aspect of examination system construction, and promote the process of national education reform.


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