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发布时间:2019-02-19 10:43
【摘要】:伴随着计算机技术和网络技术的普及与广泛应用,人类步入了网络时代,网络时代的生活方式已融入到了当代大学生群体的学习、生活中去,因此,产生了一种全新的文化现象——网络文化。网络文化对大学生群体的认知、心理、情感与价值取向都产生了很深的影响。网络文化的开放性、交互性、多样性等特点,对于大学生群体的知识结构、心理沟通、自我意识及创新能力产生积极的影响,为大学生群体价值观的建构提供了一定的基础;网络文化的虚拟性和不可控性等特点,对于当代大学生群体的道德、心理、人际关系及价值取向等产生消极的影响冲击,改变了他们的思想、行为,并使部分大学生的价值观失范。这给思想政治教育工作带来了严峻的挑战。在网络文化背景下,如何使大学生群体最大程度的发挥网络文化的积极影响,尽量减少网络文化的消极影响,这需要发挥多种力量的作用,进行科学的价值观教育,已成为目前教育工作者研究的重要课题之一。 针对“网络文化背景下大学生群体价值观教育”这一重要的学术问题,本文从网络文化的概念入手,系统阐述了大学生价值观的内涵与特征,认真梳理当代大学生群体价值观的现状,探讨网络文化对大学生群体价值观影响的现状及存在的主要问题,提出“网络、学生、学校、教师”四位一体的价值观教育的构建途径。本文包括六个部分:一、引言部分,阐述了本文的选题背景、研究理论意义和应用价值,介绍了国内外的研究现状、研究的主要内容及方法;二、网络文化的发展及其特征的理论概述部分,主要阐述了网络及网络文化的产生、发展,以及网络文化的基本特征与作用;三、大学生群体价值观的理论概述部分,主要阐述了大学生群体价值观的涵义、内容和特征;四、网络文化对大学生群体价值观影响的分析部分,结合当代大学生群体的网络行为现状,主要分析了网络文化对大学生群体价值观的积极影响和消极影响;五、网络文化背景下大学生群体价值观教育的对策思索,综合了网络、大学生自身、高校及教师各方面的责任,提出应对网络文化挑战的策略,从而引导大学生群体树立健康向上的价值观。六、结论部分,对本文的研究进行总结。
[Abstract]:With the popularization and wide application of computer technology and network technology, mankind has stepped into the network age, and the life style of the network age has been integrated into the study and life of the contemporary college students, so, A brand-new cultural phenomenon has emerged-network culture. Network culture has a deep influence on the cognition, psychology, emotion and value orientation of college students. The characteristics of network culture, such as openness, interaction and diversity, have a positive impact on the knowledge structure, psychological communication, self-awareness and innovation ability of college students, and provide a certain basis for the construction of college students' group values. The virtual and uncontrollable characteristics of network culture have a negative impact on the moral, psychological, interpersonal and value orientation of contemporary college students, and have changed their thinking and behavior. And make the values of some college students out of order. This brings serious challenge to ideological and political education. Under the background of network culture, how to make college students exert the positive influence of network culture to the greatest extent and reduce the negative influence of network culture as far as possible, which need to play the role of various forces and carry on scientific value education. It has become one of the most important research topics for educators. In view of the important academic problem of "the education of college students' group values under the background of network culture", this paper begins with the concept of network culture, and expounds systematically the connotation and characteristics of college students' values. Combing the current situation of contemporary college students' group values, discussing the current situation and main problems of the influence of network culture on college students' group values, putting forward "network, students, schools," The way of constructing the four-in-one value Education of Teachers. This article includes six parts: first, the introduction part, elaborated this article topic background, the research theory significance and the application value, introduced the domestic and foreign research present situation, the research main content and the method; Second, the development of network culture and its characteristics of the theoretical overview, mainly elaborated the network and the network culture, the development, as well as the basic characteristics and functions of the network culture; Third, the theoretical overview of college students' group values, mainly elaborated the meaning, content and characteristics of college students' group values; The fourth part is the analysis of the influence of network culture on college students' group values, and the positive and negative effects of network culture on college students' group values combined with the current situation of college students' network behavior. Fifthly, considering the countermeasures of college students' group value education under the background of network culture, synthesizing the responsibility of network, college students themselves, colleges and universities and teachers, and putting forward the strategies to deal with the challenges of network culture. In order to guide the group of college students to set up healthy and upward values. Sixth, the conclusion part, carries on the summary to this article research.


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