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发布时间:2019-02-19 11:15
【摘要】:学生组织是高校的重要组织部分,发挥着极为重要的作用。在《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》中就曾明确指出:“要更好地发挥学生会等高校学生组织在大学生思想政治教育中的桥梁和纽带作用……要依托班级、社团等组织形式开展大学生思想政治教育,发挥其团结学生、组织学生、教育学生的职能”。①高校学生组织能够对广大大学生进行有效的思想引导和工作能力的锻炼,同时学生组织还可以为和谐校园的建设贡献力量。高校学生组织文化对学生组织建设具有明显的促进作用。建设高品质、深影响的学生组织,充分彰显和维护学生权益,其中重要的一点就是加大组织文化建设,以科学、系统、完善且富于鲜明时代特色的文化建设引领组织建设。 然而,随着近些年我国高校招生规模的不断持续扩大,同时受到西方腐朽思想的影响,加之不同程度的高校学生组织文化建设的缺位,致使我国高校学生组织文化建设任重而道远。本文在充分认识到高校学生组织文化建设重要性的基础上,加以较为系统性地研究。本文从高校学生组织文化的内涵入手,对当前我国高校学生组织建设已经取得的成绩、存在的主要问题和影响因素进行系统分析,着力探索强化我国高校学生组织文化建设的途径,特提出了凝炼共同价值观、确定文化精神内核,注意保障运行、夯实文化基础,优化发展环境,营造良好氛围等具体的措施推进高校学生组织文化建设,以此促进学生组织更大地发展,提升大学生思想政治教育的实效。
[Abstract]:Student organization is an important part of colleges and universities, playing an extremely important role. In the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, In the State Council's opinion on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students, it has been pointed out clearly: "it is necessary to give better play to the role of student associations and other student organizations in the ideological and political education of college students." We should rely on classes, associations, and other organizational forms to carry out ideological and political education for college students, bring them into full play, unite students, and organize students. The function of educating students ". 1 the student organization of colleges and universities can effectively guide the college students and exercise their working ability, and at the same time, the students' organization can also contribute to the construction of harmonious campus. The university student organization culture has the obvious promotion function to the student organization construction. The construction of high quality and deep influence student organizations, fully highlight and safeguard the rights and interests of students, one of the important points is to increase the organizational culture construction, scientific, systematic, perfect and rich in the distinctive characteristics of the times of cultural construction to lead the organization construction. However, with the continuous expansion of college enrollment in China in recent years, the influence of Western decadent ideas and the absence of different degrees of organizational culture construction of college students, As a result, the construction of college students' organizational culture has a long way to go. On the basis of fully recognizing the importance of the construction of college students' organizational culture, this paper makes a systematic study. Starting with the connotation of college students' organizational culture, this paper systematically analyzes the achievements, main problems and influencing factors of the construction of college students' organization in our country. Focusing on exploring the ways to strengthen the organizational culture construction of college students in our country, this paper puts forward to condense the common values, determine the core of the cultural spirit, pay attention to ensuring the operation, consolidate the cultural foundation, and optimize the development environment. In order to promote the development of student organization and promote the actual effect of ideological and political education of college students, some concrete measures, such as creating good atmosphere and promoting the construction of college students' organizational culture, can promote the development of students' organizations.


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