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发布时间:2019-02-19 17:08
【摘要】:高校是培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的重要阵地。办好高校关乎社会主义现代化建设的未来。而高校办的如何,高校领导体制尤为重要。因此,研究我国现行高校领导体制并对其进行相应完善,显得十分必要。我国高校领导体制由建国初实行的校长负责制,逐渐演变成今天的党委领导下的校长负责制,总体运行状况良好。但其在运行中也存在一定问题。因此,为适应我国高校改革发展的需要,高校在坚持实行党委领导下的校长负责制的基础上,仍需完善这一领导体制。 本文首先从我国高校领导体制的演变历程入手,将建国后我国高校领导体制的历史演变划分四大阶段:初建阶段、管理失控阶段、恢复发展阶段、确立阶段。继而,论述了党委领导下的校长负责制的概念、职责划分、几种主要关系及特色等主要内容。在此基础上,本文着重研究党委领导下的校长负责制的运行现状,肯定了我国高校在实行该领导体制后在高等教育大众化、工作格局、制度保障、党建工作及维护社会稳定等方面取得的成效,并提出了该领导体制运行中主要存在的包括缺乏规范详细的配套细则,制度设计不完善、党政职责不分,党政认识不统一、配合不一致,机构设置重叠、执行效率低下等问题。针对上述问题,本文提出相应的解决对策:一方面从总体上提出党委领导下的校长负责制的完善措施,包括修订、出台相关条款及细则,建立健全决策机制、组织执行机制、监督机制、问责机制、激励机制,加强党政领导班子建设等;另一方面是提出党委领导下的校长负责制的改革探索构想,小规模高校可实行党政合一,在借鉴国外高校领导体制的基础上,可在高校设置董事会(理事会),其成员要均衡校内外各界人士,并将行政与学术分治,坚持教授治教。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities are an important position for cultivating socialist builders and successors. Running colleges and universities is related to the future of socialist modernization. And how to run the university, the university leadership system is particularly important. Therefore, it is necessary to study and perfect the current leadership system of colleges and universities in China. The leadership system of colleges and universities in our country has evolved from the president responsibility system implemented at the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China to the president responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee today, and the overall operating condition is good. But it also has some problems in operation. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of the reform and development of colleges and universities in our country, on the basis of persisting in carrying out the president responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee, colleges and universities still need to perfect this leadership system. This paper begins with the evolution of the leadership system of colleges and universities in China, and divides the historical evolution of the leadership system into four stages: the initial stage, the stage of runaway management, the stage of recovery and development, and the stage of establishment. Then, this paper discusses the concept of principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee, the division of duties, several main relationships and characteristics and other main contents. On this basis, this paper focuses on the operation of the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee, and affirms the popularization of higher education, the working pattern and the system guarantee of higher education in China's universities after the implementation of the leadership system. The paper points out that the main problems in the operation of the leadership system include the lack of detailed supporting rules, the imperfect design of the system, the undivided responsibilities of the party and the government, and the disunity of the understanding of the party and the government. Inconsistent coordination, overlapping of institutional settings, inefficient implementation, and so on. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures: on the one hand, it puts forward the improvement measures of the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee, including the revision, the introduction of relevant articles and rules, the establishment and improvement of the decision-making mechanism, and the organization of the executive mechanism. Supervision mechanism, accountability mechanism, incentive mechanism, strengthening the party and government leadership construction; On the other hand, it puts forward the reform idea of the president responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee. Small-scale colleges and universities can carry out the integration of party and government. On the basis of drawing lessons from the leadership system of foreign universities, the board of directors (boards of directors) can be set up in colleges and universities. Its members should balance inside and outside the school people, and administrative and academic division, adhere to teaching and education.


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