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发布时间:2019-02-20 07:36
[Abstract]:Consumption is one of the four links of social reproduction and an indispensable practical activity in people's social life. People's consumption needs, habits, contents and ways are influenced by many factors such as social and economic development conditions, national traditional consumption habits, and their own consumption concept. College students are the successors of China's special socialist construction undertaking, and shoulder the historical task of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the healthy growth of college students. College students are an important group with special existence in the society, and constitute a consumer population with great consumption potential. They have relatively independent consumption behavior and consumption psychology. College students are at a rising stage of growth, their world outlook, outlook on life, and values are all constantly improving and developing. Their consumption concepts not only reflect the characteristics of the times to a great extent, but also reflect the spiritual outlook of our society. It also reflects their attitude towards life and their value judgment and orientation towards the world and life. Attach importance to the change and development of college students' consumption view, strengthen the ideological education of college students' consumption view, which is beneficial to enrich the content of college students' ideological education, cultivate noble moral character, and improve the effectiveness of ideological education in colleges and universities. It is beneficial for them to form a healthy attitude and way of life, to help them establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and to better understand and transform the world. Furthermore, it is a good example for the mainstream consumption habits and concepts of the society. This paper discusses and studies the consumption concept of contemporary Chinese college students from the perspective of college students' ideological education, and analyzes the evolution and development process of contemporary college students' consumption concept. From the reform and opening up to the construction of socialist harmonious society with Chinese characteristics; This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the view of eliminating college students' fees, such as paying more attention to material consumption than spiritual and cultural consumption, irrational consumption, excessive consumption of interpersonal communication, weak concept of saving and knowledge of financial management, etc. This paper analyzes the causes of these problems and puts forward some feasible suggestions in view of the existing problems combined with the actual situation of college students' consumption view in our country at the present stage. The suggestions include making relevant policies to guide the construction of scientific and reasonable values of college students, strengthening theoretical education, strengthening the basic understanding of consumption view of college students, and focusing on establishing a correct view of consumption in combination with practical activities. To create a healthy and harmonious family consumption atmosphere, to promote the formation of the correct consumption view of college students in the influence of their parents; Strengthening the self-education of college students, forming the habit of self-discipline consumption, consciously cultivating the correct and reasonable consumption view, etc., in order to play a positive role in setting up the correct consumption view for college students.


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