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发布时间:2019-02-23 17:32
【摘要】:在当今社会,创新成为社会和经济发展中的关键因素,国家也已经将创新提升到了战略高度。培养一大批富有创新能力的“创新型人才”是教育界特别是高等学校的重要任务。在这种形势下,如何有效地提高大学生创新能力已经成为摆在政府和高校面前一项亟待解决的重大问题。大学生创新能力培养工作是一项复杂的系统工程,特别是经管类大学生的创新能力培养由于受到学科条件的影响,,更是难以把握其运行规律。本文旨在通过对大学生创新能力提升规律的研究,探索出适合经管类大学生创新能力的培养模式,从而更好地指导经管类大学创新教育的开展。 本文首先在对创新思维、创新能力、创新意识、创新心理以及创新教育的涵义进行充分阐述的基础上,明确了创新能力培养的因素,进一步界定了大学生创新能力培养的有关概念。同时,本文研究了国内经管类大学生创新能力培养的现状、问题以及问题形成的原因,为完善培养模式提供了现实依据。为了更好地借鉴国际经验,本文详细研究了以美国、英国为代表的发达国家高等院校在培养大学生创新能力方面的思想和做法,并据此得到有利的启示。在以上研究的基础上,运用回归分析方法,实现了对创新能力培养模式影响因素的量化分析。最后,本文在对以上概念和论述进行综合的基础上,结合我国高校在创新教育方面的实践活动,探索出提高大学生创新能力的发展途径,并指出了大学生创新能力培养模式的在实际运行中的若干策略。
[Abstract]:In today's society, innovation has become a key factor in social and economic development. Cultivating a large number of innovative talents is an important task for educational circles, especially colleges and universities. In this situation, how to effectively improve the innovative ability of college students has become a major problem to be solved urgently in front of the government and universities. The cultivation of college students' innovative ability is a complicated systematic project, especially the training of the innovative ability of the students of economics and management, because of the influence of the subject conditions, it is even more difficult to grasp its running law. The purpose of this paper is to explore the training mode of the innovation ability of the college students in order to guide the development of the innovation education in the university of economics and management through the study of the law of promoting the innovation ability of the college students. On the basis of fully expounding the meaning of innovation thinking, innovation ability, innovation consciousness, innovation psychology and innovation education, this paper clarifies the factors of cultivating innovation ability. Further define the concept of the cultivation of college students' innovative ability. At the same time, this paper studies the current situation, problems and causes of the innovation ability cultivation of domestic economic and management college students, which provides a practical basis for the improvement of the training model. In order to draw lessons from international experience, this paper studies in detail the ideas and practices of colleges and universities in the developed countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, in cultivating the innovative ability of college students, and thus obtains beneficial enlightenment. On the basis of the above research, the quantitative analysis of the influencing factors of innovation ability training model is realized by using regression analysis method. Finally, on the basis of synthesizing the above concepts and expositions, and combining with the practical activities of innovative education in colleges and universities in our country, this paper explores the way to improve the innovative ability of college students. It also points out some strategies of cultivating the innovative ability of college students in practice.


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