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发布时间:2019-02-28 19:54
【摘要】:随着高校教育教学改革与创新育人模式的不断深化,高校档案馆在发挥档案传统功能即“保管和利用”的基础上,不断开拓着新的领域。“以档育人”已经在大学生思想政治教育研究与实践中成为热门话题。在参考国内外己有档案馆的功能研究成果的基础上,笔者对高校档案育人的特点、功能进行了分析;对高校档案育人的现状和问题进行了研究;对高校档案育人功能的实现途径进行了探讨。本文的研究主要包括以下几个方面的内容: 第一,对高校档案育人概念与内涵进行了研究。高校档案馆既具有独特的馆藏文化,又具有文化传承的理念,其思想道德教育、科学文化教育、艺术审美教育的功能,能够促使大学生德、智、体、美的全面发展,国内外很多高校档案馆都渐渐成为德育教育的首选基地,并采用多种形式参与到育人实践中。 第二,对高校档案育人的特点和功能进行了研究。高校档案的真实、直观、形象、生动等特点对大学生具有极大的吸引力和感染力,能够在拓宽学生知识面和提高学生思想政治及文化素质中发挥积极作用。高校档案在实践教学活动、思想教育活动及科学研究活动中发挥特殊的教育功能,能调适学生情绪,激励学生奋发,创新学生知识。 第三,对高校档案育人的现状与问题进行了研究。由于现阶段我国高校档案基础业务与信息资源建设力度、档案开放程度不够,高校教师档案育人服务理念和大学生心理接受引导不够,高校档案育人功能并没有得到充分发挥,档案的开发利用价值还有待进一步挖掘。 第四,对高校档案育人功能的实现途径进行研究。针对档案育人存在的问题,为更好地发挥高校档案对大学生的培育作用,笔者提出其育人功能的实现途径:一是构筑档案育人资源环境;二是强化档案育人服务理念;三是建立档案育人管理制度;四是培育档案育人的文化氛围;五是打造档案育人的实践平台。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform and innovation of education and teaching in colleges and universities, the archives of colleges and universities are constantly opening up new fields on the basis of giving full play to the traditional function of archives, that is, "keeping and utilizing". "cultivating people with documents" has become a hot topic in the research and practice of college students' ideological and political education. On the basis of referring to the research achievements of the existing archives at home and abroad, the author analyzes the characteristics and functions of archives education in colleges and universities, studies the present situation and problems of archives education in colleges and universities, and makes an analysis of the characteristics and functions of archives education in colleges and universities. This paper probes into the way to realize the educational function of archives in colleges and universities. This paper mainly includes the following aspects: first, the concept and connotation of archival education in colleges and universities are studied. The university archives not only have the unique collection culture, but also have the cultural inheritance idea, its ideological and moral education, the scientific culture education, the art aesthetic education function, can promote the university student morals, the intelligence, the body, the beauty all-round development, Many archives of colleges and universities at home and abroad have gradually become the first choice base of moral education, and participate in the practice of educating people in many ways. Second, the characteristics and functions of archives education in colleges and universities are studied. The characteristics of college archives, such as truthfulness, intuition, image and vividness, have great attraction and appeal to college students, and can play an active role in widening students' knowledge and improving their ideological, political and cultural qualities. The archives of colleges and universities play a special educational role in practical teaching, ideological education and scientific research, which can adjust students' emotions, encourage students to work hard, and innovate students' knowledge. Third, the status quo and problems of archives education in colleges and universities are studied. At present, the basic business of archives and the construction of information resources in colleges and universities are not strong enough, the open degree of archives is not enough, the idea of archives education and service of college teachers and the guidance of college students' psychology are not enough, and the function of archives education in colleges and universities has not been fully developed. The value of the development and utilization of archives has yet to be further excavated. Fourthly, the realization of the function of archives education in colleges and universities is studied. Aiming at the problems existing in archival education, in order to give full play to the role of college archives in cultivating college students, the author puts forward the ways to realize its educational function: first, to construct the environment of archival education resources, second, to strengthen the concept of archival education and service, and the other to strengthen the concept of archival education and service. The third is to establish the archives education management system; the fourth is to cultivate the cultural atmosphere of archives education; the fifth is to create the practice platform of archives education.


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