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发布时间:2019-03-03 09:35
[Abstract]:The introduction of the concept of rule of law into the internal governance of colleges and universities is the requirement of comprehensively promoting the process of governing the country according to law, the internal driving force of promoting the development of colleges and universities, the need of optimizing the internal governance structure of colleges and universities and perfecting the modern university system. It is the proper meaning to realize the specific value of colleges and universities, and it is the only way to resolve the internal contradictions in colleges and universities. In order to carry out the rule of law in the internal governance of colleges and universities, we should strengthen the construction of the system of rules and regulations of colleges and universities, formulate the statutes of universities according to the laws and regulations, perfect the leadership system of colleges and universities by means of thinking and means of We should strengthen democratic management, fully respect and protect academic power, teachers and students' rights, strengthen propaganda and education of rule of law, create a good atmosphere of campus legal culture, and regard the rule of law as the basic way to solve conflicts and conflicts in schools.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学高等教育研究所;
【基金】:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2572015BC17) 黑龙江省高教学会高等教育科学研究立项课题(14G021)


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