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发布时间:2019-03-07 14:46
【摘要】:21世纪是信息技术飞速发展的时代,媒体作为信息传播的主要载体也发生了翻天覆地的变化。相对于传统的报纸、杂志、广播、电视这四大媒体而言,新媒体以其数字技术、通讯技术和互联网技术等新技术的融入和传播速度快、覆盖面广、互动性强等特点深受人们的喜欢,也自然而然的走进当代的大学校园,在一定程度上影响着高校师生们的生活方式和价值观念,再加上青年大学生作为新媒体的受众具有自身的特点,他们接收新事物快,应用新媒体技术的水平普遍较高,但是辨别信息真伪的能力不足且容易相互影响的特点使新媒文化和生活。高校的校园文化体现高校的人文素养、大学精神,是一所学校的精神财富也是文化的软实力的体现个,同时从内容上形式上也制约着体易对大学生的人生观、价值观和行为方式产生影响,进而冲击着整个校园媒体。因此,需要认清现实,分析利弊、扬长避短、谋求对策,同时利用新新媒体的舆论引导、文化宣传、传播教育和信息沟通等功能来建设和创新校园文化已成为当前的高校的管理者和校园文化的建设者们急需研究的重要课题。 本文首先对该课题的研究目的和研究意义进行了具体的阐述,并且综合国内外对此问题的研究动态,指出了本文的研究方法和思路。文章首先阐述了新媒体和产生和发展,进而引出高校新媒体的内涵、功能和发展现状,其次结合了新媒体的特性,展开一系列的问卷调查,通过调查问卷来分析当前青年大学生对新媒体的了解情况、使用情况,通过分析得出新媒体作用于高校校园文化建设的过程中存在的问题和有待改进的地方。本文还从传统媒体和校园文化建设的关系上分析得出传统文化在校园文化创建的过程中的优势和局限性,进而分析新媒体和校园文化创建的关系,以及新媒体推动校园文化建设的同时也带来了一定的负面作用,得出新媒体是一把“双刃剑”。并且结合实际,就新媒体在推进校园文化建设中存在问题进行系统性的梳理,从理论和实践的角度分别提出新媒体下创新校园文化的必要性。最后提出如何实现新媒体与校园文化的良性互动,在新媒体环境下,高校管理者和校园文化的创建者应当充分把握和利用新媒体的优势,调动全校师生的积极性,共同传播和创新高校的校园文化,达到高校育人的目的,本文就此提出了在新媒体环境下创新校园文化的途径以及对策。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the era of rapid development of information technology, media as the main carrier of information dissemination has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Compared with the traditional newspapers, magazines, radio, television, the new media with its digital technology, communications technology and Internet technology, such as the integration and dissemination of new technologies, the speed and wide coverage of the new media, The characteristics of strong interaction are deeply liked by people, and they naturally enter the contemporary university campus, which, to a certain extent, affects the way of life and values of teachers and students in colleges and universities. In addition, as the audience of the new media, young college students have their own characteristics, they receive new things quickly, and the level of application of new media technology is generally high. But the ability to tell the truth and falsehood of information is inadequate and easy to interact with each other to make new media culture and life. The campus culture of the university embodies the humanistic accomplishment of the university, and the spirit of the university is also the embodiment of the soft power of the culture as well as the spiritual wealth of a school. At the same time, the form of the content also restricts the outlook on life of the college students. Values and behavior have an impact on the entire campus media. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the reality, analyze the pros and cons, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, seek countermeasures, and at the same time make use of the guidance of public opinion and cultural propaganda of new and new media. The function of communication education and information communication to construct and innovate campus culture has become an important research topic for the managers of colleges and universities and the builders of campus culture. In this paper, the purpose and significance of the research on this subject are described in detail, and the research methods and ideas of this paper are pointed out by synthesizing the research trends of this issue both at home and abroad. The article first expounds the new media and the emergence and development, and then leads to the connotation, function and development status of the new media in colleges and universities. Secondly, combined with the characteristics of the new media, a series of questionnaires are conducted. Through the questionnaire to analyze the current young college students' understanding of the new media, the use of the situation, through the analysis of the role of new media in the process of campus culture construction in colleges and universities existing problems and areas to be improved. This paper also analyzes the advantages and limitations of traditional culture in the process of campus culture establishment from the relationship between traditional media and campus culture construction, and then analyzes the relationship between new media and campus culture creation. As well as the new media to promote the construction of campus culture at the same time also brought some negative effects, the new media is a "double-edged sword." Combined with the reality, the paper systematically combs the problems existing in the construction of new media in promoting the construction of campus culture, and puts forward the necessity of innovating campus culture under the new media respectively from the angle of theory and practice. Finally, it puts forward how to realize the benign interaction between the new media and the campus culture. Under the new media environment, the administrators of colleges and universities and the founders of campus culture should fully grasp and utilize the advantages of the new media and mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole school's teachers and students. To jointly spread and innovate the campus culture of colleges and universities in order to reach the goal of educating people, this paper puts forward the ways and countermeasures to innovate campus culture under the environment of new media.


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