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发布时间:2019-03-07 16:58
【摘要】:对大学生而言,教室经验是重要的,因为教室是联接并整合学术和社会经验的主要正式渠道,且教室可能是多数大学生和教师互动最主要的地方。从社会学的观点来看,教室本身就是一个复杂的小型社会。课堂与课堂互动长期以来是学者重视和着力研究的课题。 研究通过自编问卷、课堂观察和访谈等方法对大学师生关于课堂互动的意义的认知、理想的课堂互动的期待、参与互动的意愿、喜欢的互动手段和方式、对目前大学课堂互动的满意度做了调查,反映大学师生对课堂互动的认知和态度。在此基础上,着重对我国大学课堂互动的状况、影响课堂互动的因素做了调查和分析,结论如下:师生都认为大学课堂需要互动,互动对于教学目标的完成、师生情感的建立、学习兴趣和动机的激发等都有重要的意义。但是在实际中双方组织或者参与互动的积极性并不高,超过20%的学生不愿意或者非常不愿意参与课堂互动,非常愿意参与的学生则不到20%。师生心目中理想的课堂互动较为一致,课堂气氛、教师能力、态度、人格魅力均排在理想互动描述选择的最前面,但学生更希望教师尊重并接受自己的意见,平等对待学生。 目前大学课堂互动状况较差,,表现为学生互动行为不积极、参与频度和广度低、互动过程不够完整、课前师生之间相互了解的互动缺乏、师生对互动效果不满意。课堂互动在学生对象、课程等方面存在差异:班干部的积极性高于一般学生;一年级互动主动性最高,二年级三年级其次,二年级和三年级之间无明显差异,四年级最低;学习水平高的学生比学习水平低的学生更主动参与互动;文科类课程互动较理工科类课程多,但理工科学生的互动积极性并不比文科生互动积极性低;自选课课程互动较必选课活跃,英语和政治等公共大课课堂最为沉默。 课堂气氛、课堂领导方式、教师教学能力、人格魅力、知识、语言和非语言,同时对互动内容、互动方式、互动类型、互动手段的选择学生思维、参与积极性师生关系、心理习惯等会影响课堂互动的状况。 基于调查研究数据,对构建良好有效的课堂互动提出针对性建议:营造良好的课堂环境;促进教师教学能力的提高,教学风格的形成;学生应重视课堂学习,培养学习欲望。
[Abstract]:For college students, classroom experience is important because the classroom is the main formal channel for connecting and integrating academic and social experiences, and the classroom may be the most important place where most college students and teachers interact. From a sociological point of view, the classroom itself is a complex small society. The interaction between classroom and classroom has long been a subject that scholars attach importance to and focus on. By means of self-made questionnaire, classroom observation and interview, the study explores the significance of classroom interaction between college students and college students, the expectation of ideal classroom interaction, the willingness to participate in interaction, and the means and ways of interaction that you like. This paper makes a survey on the satisfaction degree of classroom interaction at present, which reflects the cognition and attitude of teachers and students to classroom interaction. On this basis, the author makes an investigation and analysis on the situation of classroom interaction and the factors influencing classroom interaction in China. The conclusions are as follows: teachers and students believe that interaction is needed in college classroom, that interaction is necessary for the completion of teaching objectives, and that interaction is the foundation of emotion between teachers and students. Learning interest and motivation are of great significance. In practice, however, more than 20% of students are unwilling or very reluctant to participate in classroom interaction, and less than 20% of students are very willing to participate in classroom interaction. The ideal classroom interaction between teachers and students is consistent. Classroom atmosphere, teachers' ability, attitude and personality charm all rank first in the choice of ideal interaction description. However, students want teachers to respect and accept their own opinions and treat students equally. At present, the situation of college classroom interaction is poor, which shows that the students' interactive behavior is not active, the frequency and breadth of participation is low, the interactive process is not complete, the interaction between teachers and students before class is lack of mutual understanding, and the teachers and students are not satisfied with the interactive effect. There are differences in students' objects and courses in classroom interaction: the enthusiasm of class cadres is higher than that of ordinary students, the first grade is the highest, the second is grade two and grade three, there is no significant difference between grade two and grade three, the fourth grade is the lowest; The students with higher learning level are more active in interaction than those with low learning level, and the interaction in liberal arts courses is more than that in science and technology courses, but the interaction enthusiasm of science and engineering students is not lower than that of liberal arts students. Self-selected curriculum interaction is more active, English and politics and other public classes are most silent. Classroom atmosphere, classroom leadership style, teachers' teaching ability, personality charm, knowledge, language and non-language, at the same time, the choice of interactive content, interactive mode, interactive type, interactive means, students' thinking, participation in the positive relationship between teachers and students. Psychological habits and so on will affect the situation of classroom interaction. Based on the data of investigation and research, some suggestions are put forward to construct a good and effective classroom interaction: to create a good classroom environment; to promote the improvement of teachers' teaching ability and the formation of teaching style; students should attach importance to classroom learning and cultivate their desire for learning.


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